QUANTNET Supporting Members

UPDATE (2011)

This post was originally created to seek support from early members to keep the website running. We no longer in need of donation since Quantnet is currently self-supported. That said, we would love to receive your continued support by spreading the word about Quantnet to your social and professional network.

To show our appreciate for the original group of supporters who helped us through the early years, we add a special banner under their profile picture throughout the website.

We will continue to work hard and provide unique feature to our members. Some of these features will be made available first to the Supporting members.
My pleasure Andy. The value you give to the forum is more than anyone can afford to donate!
Thanks for the overwhelming supports, guys.

I have received Paypal donations from several members whom I will introduce individually.

The second member who donated generously to our community is @Chris
We are still trying to get to each one of our members who sent in support for the last few days. Pretty busy but tremendously grateful for all the supports you have shown us.

The list is getting long but our pledge is to show our appreciation to each of you individually.

Our next big thanks goes to @hasan who sent us a big donation 2 days ago.
We were very pleasantly surprised to see that one of our newest members, Mr. Devon Kyle who signed up on Quantnet on 2/26 to send in his support. We do hope that you visit us often to see the benefits your donations bring to our community.

Thanks again for your generousity.
It's my pleasure to help our program and community.

Now it's my pleasure to announce that we just received donation via Paypal from our member, @adolfo Thank you very much.
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