Question-MFE Program Deadlines

Wenqing LI

C++ Certificate
Hi all:

I'm a canadian undergraduate student majoring in Finance.
Just have a quick question about the deadlines for MFE programs and hope someone can provide advices.
I will be graduating Dec, 2013 and plan to apply for the Fall, 2014 MFE program.
In the fall term, 2013, I still have 3-4 courses and will finish all the exams before Christmas. That means I will miss the deadline for the first round review of profiles.
Does anyone know whether the admission office will start reviewing the profile before I submit the final transcript ? And, I may not get the degree certificate until April,2014, is that ok?
I tired to email the admission office but didn't get a response. I appreciate any reponse from you.
I don't think where is any problem. It is OK when you apply without your degree certificate. In fact a lot of fall applicants can only get their bachelor degree in summer.
Thank you so much Tianyu.
How do you think submitting my last transcript, I will be studying two math courses and a fin course and not get the transaript till Jan,2014. Do you think I can get them review my profile in Dec before submitting the last transcript?
Thank you so much Tianyu.
How do you think submitting my last transcript, I will be studying two math courses and a fin course and not get the transaript till Jan,2014. Do you think I can get them review my profile in Dec before submitting the last transcript?
I think you can submit an unofficial transcript including all the courses you have already taken when you go through the application process. But anyway it depends on the admission policy of each program.
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