For my engineering school, we have a project on radial basis functions to do.
The teacher gave us the article: Option Pricing with Radial Basis Functions: A Tutorial: Wilmott Magazine Article by Alonso Peña.
The project is to price options using radial basis functions.
I code in C#. With XLW, I can export the C# functions in Excel.
I use dnAnalytics for matrix operations.
For the moment, I try to price an European call.
The problem I'm facing is that I get wrong results.
I've taken these parameters:
And I got the price of the call= -1,524E+189.
The problem is that all the students got bad results. The teacher took the time to see my code and said it was correct.
Here's the C# code:
Are there any errors?
Thanks in advance.
For my engineering school, we have a project on radial basis functions to do.
The teacher gave us the article: Option Pricing with Radial Basis Functions: A Tutorial: Wilmott Magazine Article by Alonso Peña.
The project is to price options using radial basis functions.
I code in C#. With XLW, I can export the C# functions in Excel.
I use dnAnalytics for matrix operations.
For the moment, I try to price an European call.
The problem I'm facing is that I get wrong results.
I've taken these parameters:
- N= 30
- T =1
- M =30
- a =0
- b =3,912023005
- c =0,53958938
- E =15
- r =0,05
- sigma= 0,3
- theta =0,5
- S =15
And I got the price of the call= -1,524E+189.
The problem is that all the students got bad results. The teacher took the time to see my code and said it was correct.
Here's the C# code:
public static double g(double x, double E, string CallPutFlag)
// Option Payoff
// IN: x, E, CallPutFlag
// OUT: payoff en fonction de CallPutFlag
if (CallPutFlag == "C") return Math.Max(Math.Exp(x) - E, 0);
else return Math.Max(E - Math.Exp(x), 0);
public static double phi(double x, double c)
return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(c, 2));
public static double phi_prime(double x, double c)
return x / phi(x, c);
public static double phi_seconde(double x, double c)
return 1 / phi(x, c)-Math.Pow(x,2)/Math.Pow(phi(x,c),3);
public static double alpha(double t)
return 0;
public static double beta(double t, double S, double r, double T, double E)
return S-E*Math.Exp(-r*(T-t));
[ExcelExport("RBF function")]
public static double RBF(
[Parameter("N")] int N,
[Parameter("T")] double T,
[Parameter("M")] int M,
[Parameter("a")] double a,
[Parameter("b")] double b,
[Parameter("c")] double c,
[Parameter("E")] double E,
[Parameter("C ou P")] string CallPutFlag,
[Parameter("r")] double r,
[Parameter("sigma")] double sigma,
[Parameter("theta")] double theta,
[Parameter("S")] double S)
Vector ksi = new DenseVector(N);
Matrix Phi = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
Matrix Phi1 = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
Matrix Phi2 = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
Vector lambda = new DenseVector(N);
Vector gi = new DenseVector(N);
double deltaT = T / M, t = 0, Prix = 0, x=Math.Log(S);
int i, j;
// Création du vecteur ksi
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
ksi[i] = a + i * ((b - a) / (N - 1));
gi[i] = g(ksi[i], E, CallPutFlag);
// Création de la matrice Phi, Phi' et Phi''
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
Phi[i, j] = phi(ksi[i] - ksi[j], c);
Phi1[i, j] = phi_prime(ksi[i] - ksi[j], c);
Phi2[i, j] = phi_seconde(ksi[i] - ksi[j], c);
Matrix Temp = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
// Résolution de Phi*lambda=g(ksi)
Temp = Phi.Inverse();
lambda = Temp.Multiply(gi);
// Calcul de P
Matrix P = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
Matrix Id = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
Id[i, j] = 0;
if (i == j)
Id[i, j] = 1;
P = Phi.Inverse().Multiply(Phi2);
P.Multiply(-0.5 * Math.Pow(sigma, 2));
Temp = Id.Clone();
Temp = Phi.Inverse().Multiply(Phi1);
Temp.Multiply(r - 0.5 * Math.Pow(sigma, 2));
// Calcul de H et de G
Matrix H = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
Matrix G = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
H = Id.Clone();
Temp = P.Clone();
Temp.Multiply(deltaT * (1-theta));
G = Id.Clone();
Temp = P.Clone();
Temp.Multiply(deltaT * theta);
// Boucle de k=1 à k=M
for (i = 1; i <= M; i++)
Temp = G.Inverse();
lambda = Temp.Multiply(lambda);
t += deltaT;
lambda[0] = alpha(t);
lambda[N - 1] = beta(t, S, r, T, E);
lambda = Phi.Inverse().Multiply(lambda);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
Prix += lambda[i] * phi(x-ksi[i], c);
return Prix;
Are there any errors?
Thanks in advance.