Radial Basis Function


For my engineering school, we have a project on radial basis functions to do.
The teacher gave us the article: Option Pricing with Radial Basis Functions: A Tutorial: Wilmott Magazine Article by Alonso Peña.
The project is to price options using radial basis functions.

I code in C#. With XLW, I can export the C# functions in Excel.
I use dnAnalytics for matrix operations.

For the moment, I try to price an European call.

The problem I'm facing is that I get wrong results.

I've taken these parameters:

  • N= 30
  • T =1
  • M =30
  • a =0
  • b =3,912023005
  • c =0,53958938
  • E =15
  • r =0,05
  • sigma= 0,3
  • theta =0,5
  • S =15

And I got the price of the call= -1,524E+189.

The problem is that all the students got bad results. The teacher took the time to see my code and said it was correct.

Here's the C# code:
        public static double g(double x, double E, string CallPutFlag)

            // Option Payoff
            // IN: x, E, CallPutFlag
            // OUT: payoff en fonction de CallPutFlag
            if (CallPutFlag == "C") return Math.Max(Math.Exp(x) - E, 0);
            else return Math.Max(E - Math.Exp(x), 0);

        public static double phi(double x, double c)
            return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(c, 2));

        public static double phi_prime(double x, double c)
            return x / phi(x, c);

        public static double phi_seconde(double x, double c)
            return 1 / phi(x, c)-Math.Pow(x,2)/Math.Pow(phi(x,c),3);

        public static double alpha(double t)
            return 0;

        public static double beta(double t, double S, double r, double T, double E)
            return S-E*Math.Exp(-r*(T-t));
        [ExcelExport("RBF function")]
        public static double RBF(
            [Parameter("N")] int N,
            [Parameter("T")] double T,
            [Parameter("M")] int M,
            [Parameter("a")] double a,
            [Parameter("b")] double b,
            [Parameter("c")] double c,
            [Parameter("E")] double E,
            [Parameter("C ou P")] string CallPutFlag,
            [Parameter("r")] double r,
            [Parameter("sigma")] double sigma,
            [Parameter("theta")] double theta,
            [Parameter("S")] double S)
            Vector ksi = new DenseVector(N);
            Matrix Phi = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
            Matrix Phi1 = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
            Matrix Phi2 = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
            Vector lambda = new DenseVector(N);
            Vector gi = new DenseVector(N);
            double deltaT = T / M, t = 0, Prix = 0, x=Math.Log(S);
            int i, j;
            // Création du vecteur ksi
            for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
                ksi[i] = a + i * ((b - a) / (N - 1));
                gi[i] = g(ksi[i], E, CallPutFlag);

            // Création de la matrice Phi, Phi' et Phi''
            for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
                    Phi[i, j] = phi(ksi[i] - ksi[j], c);
                    Phi1[i, j] = phi_prime(ksi[i] - ksi[j], c);
                    Phi2[i, j] = phi_seconde(ksi[i] - ksi[j], c);

            Matrix Temp = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
            // Résolution de Phi*lambda=g(ksi)

            Temp = Phi.Inverse();
            lambda = Temp.Multiply(gi);
            // Calcul de P
            Matrix P = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
            Matrix Id = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
            for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
                    Id[i, j] = 0;

                    if (i == j)
                        Id[i, j] = 1;

            P = Phi.Inverse().Multiply(Phi2);

            P.Multiply(-0.5 * Math.Pow(sigma, 2));

            Temp = Id.Clone();


            Temp = Phi.Inverse().Multiply(Phi1);
            Temp.Multiply(r - 0.5 * Math.Pow(sigma, 2));


            // Calcul de H et de G
            Matrix H = new DenseMatrix(N, N);
            Matrix G = new DenseMatrix(N, N);

            H = Id.Clone();

            Temp = P.Clone();

            Temp.Multiply(deltaT * (1-theta));


            G = Id.Clone();

            Temp = P.Clone();
            Temp.Multiply(deltaT * theta);

            // Boucle de k=1 à k=M
            for (i = 1; i <= M; i++)
                Temp = G.Inverse();

                lambda = Temp.Multiply(lambda);
                t += deltaT;

                lambda[0] = alpha(t);
                lambda[N - 1] = beta(t, S, r, T, E);
                lambda = Phi.Inverse().Multiply(lambda);

            for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
                Prix += lambda[i] * phi(x-ksi[i], c);

            return Prix;


Are there any errors?
Thanks in advance.
The code seems to be ok at the first glance. Make sure you're supplying arguments not causing the code to result in logic error.
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