Recommendation letter, major matter?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eryi
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I am double major in Applied Math and Econ. I feel like for a MFE program I should have a Math recommendation letter, but I finished all my math class on junior year and havn't been talking to any of the math professor for a year... besides, does it matter what class that professor is teaching?
On the other hand I have one Econ professor who is my major advisor, I've been his TA, and we kept in touch all the time, and there is another Econ professor who I am doing my honor thesis/research with right now, I feel like this two would know my personality better?
I've read a lot about how it is preferable to have a personalized recommendation letter filled with details, it's just i'm not sure how important it is the major of professor who wrote this letter?
for example I want to apply to Columbia and NYU who I heard value math background a lot, so I fee like it would be better to have a math recommendation letter even though that might be bullshit :((((((

Thanks in advance for any advise!
It might depend on which courses your professors have taught in your junior year. Since universities like NYU prefer professors who teach advanced math courses to be your referee. Besides, professors in eco, especially in econometrics would be fine.
Don't worry about it. The depth and quality of the recommendation letter is more important.
Also I asked my thesis advisor to write me a recommendation after I hadn't spoken to him in 2 years. So a year is nothing-just go ahead and ask if you think you can get a good recommendation from a math professor.
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