Recommendation Letters

Im an applicant for MFE programs in Fall 2008. One of my recommenders is in industry, and I did some sales analysis and forecasting using stochastic models for him. He seemed keen to recommend me and it seemed like a good idea as he could attest to my mathematical and computational abilities.
He has just sent his recommendations across and told me that he could write several good points about me...but it transpired that he had written exactly that...points, as opposed to an essay.
My question is - Will adcoms consider that a poor recommendation letter because of its style or will they give it some leeway as it comes from an obviously busy industry professional, and pay more attention to the actual content of the letter? Will this recommendation letter hurt my chances??

Worried Applicant
Brief, to the point recommendations are not bad, and we have to take into account the fact that some people do nto have time to write elaborate letters. The spirit of the letter, not the form, is what matters.
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