Rioting at NYU?

I was watching the "Russia Today" news network (sorry, I don't trust US media). They were showing rioting at NYU, with students asking for more affordable tuition and asking where exactly their tuition money goes. Anyone got anything more on this?

There's a YouTube video here:

YouTube - NYU College Students Riot Brarricading Themselves inside Cafeteria & Protest Outside Fight Police

And some coverage from Russia Today Online:

The New York University alumnus graduated with honours two years ago. Unemployed and living with his parents, the 28-year-old is just one many who can't find a job.

"I would say about sixty per cent of my friends are currently unemployed or don't have a job they wanted to find," he said. "So they are stuck working at Starbucks when they have advanced degrees."

Armed with Masters' degrees and crippling tuition loans, tens of thousands of the twenty-somethings are struggling to crack the cold, ugly, unwelcoming US job market.

And some advice from Pravda here.
I was watching the "Russia Today" news network (sorry, I don't trust US media)

Russian media was extremely anti-American for the past several years. They are trying to make a big story from any small event. US media is not better either. Therefore, you should watch both and the truth will be somewhere in between.
Scholarships for GAZA students? :smt082:smt082:smt082 :smt082:smt082:smt082 :smt082:smt082:smt082 :smt082:smt082:smt082 :smt082:smt082:smt082 :smt082:smt082:smt082 about ungrateful. It seems they don't know the value of their parents' money.
Russian media was extremely anti-American for the past several years. They are trying to make a big story from any small event. US media is not better either. Therefore, you should watch both and the truth will be somewhere in between.

The anti-Amerian bias is clear -- but I need it as a corrective. I used to watch BBC, but I've realised it's not much better than CNN these days. I try a bit of Al-Jazeera as well. As to where the truth lies, I do not know. I recommend watching Kurosawa's old black-and-white classic "Rashomon," to get an idea of how relative and subjective knowledge is. Ah, here is something on the "Rashomon effect."
All the media is biased and absurdly sensational except for CNBC.

Al-Jazeera wants America to burn, BBC is a bunch of appeasers suffering from guilty-conscience syndrome instead of pulling a Churchill on their inner problem, Fox is a bunch of right-wing nuts, and MSNBC equally nutty on the left wing, and the Russian media doesn't get a peep unless His Badassness (Putin) approves of it.

Trustworthy news media is an oxymoron.
Fox is a bunch of right-wing nuts, and MSNBC equally nutty on the left wing

How can you possibly equate Fox and MSNBC? There is only one real liberal TV host on any of the major news/politics networks and that is Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Keith Olbermann is somewhat liberal with a strong sense of social justice. Everyone else on MSNBC ranges from slightly conservative to very conservative. Whereas Fox is packed 24/7 with far right conservative nut-jobs. Honestly, where is the equivalence?
How can you possibly equate Fox and MSNBC? There is only one real liberal TV host on any of the major news/politics networks and that is Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Keith Olbermann is somewhat liberal with a strong sense of social justice. Everyone else on MSNBC ranges from slightly conservative to very conservative. Whereas Fox is packed 24/7 with far right conservative nut-jobs. Honestly, where is the equivalence?

Probably going off-topic here (sorry, Andy) but there is no American Left. Except as a figment of the imagination of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter -- and they need a strawman. As someone pointed out a while back, the US Democratic Party is slightly to the right of European conservative parties, and the US Republican Party is slightly to the left of European National Front parties (i.e. fascist parties). This constitutes the "spectrum" of American politics. That is to say, the spectrum from right to far right.
I always ask myself, if the US sucks so much, and we're all right-wing nuts with no left-side of the spectrum (blah, blah), how come y'all living here?
Just why not move to Venezuela and have a lot of fun
I always ask myself, if the US sucks so much, and we're all right-wing nuts with no left-side of the spectrum (blah, blah), how come y'all living here?
Just why not move to Venezuela and have a lot of fun

Speak for yourself. I'm not living in the USA anymore. You're welcome to it. And turn off any remaining lights when you leave.

And I didn't say the USA is composed of right-wing nuts -- only that the farce of the US political process is dominated by two right-wing parties. Some choice. So even if the electorate does want real change, the only thing on offer is the Democrat Party, which sells itself as "microscopically the lesser evil."

The USA is on the road to becoming a failed state. In my humble opinion.
Are you really an MFE student? And I didn't wish, I offered a prognosis. I do hope you're not as innumerate as you're illiterate ....

Indeed we are MFEs, not English majors, ya nam sayin (do you know what I am saying). Slang aint so bad, especially if you're boss speaks that way, as long as you both understand each other. Then again, I dont know anyone who writes the way they speak. But anyway, thank goodness for spell check, "aint" will never go through.
Indeed we are MFEs, not English majors, ya nam sayin (do you know what I am saying)

Andy is not going to forgive me for going off-topic in this flagrant manner, but surely the dialect you're employing is "ebonics," and so, strictu sensu, should not be called slang ...?
Scholarships for GAZA students? :smt082:smt082:smt082 :smt082:smt082:smt082 :smt082:smt082:smt082 :smt082:smt082:smt082 :smt082:smt082:smt082 :smt082:smt082:smt082 about ungrateful. It seems they don't know the value of their parents' money.

I don't want to get into poltics, but seeing your profile pic, what the hell is that supposed to mean?

People in Gaza aren't allowed to be afforded a better ways to a mean to hopefully one day end the conflict there?

Sorry man, but what your wrote followed by the incessent smilies reeks of unneccessary hatred on a board that should be as far from it as possible.
What do you mean what is that supposed to mean?

I thought I was pretty clear with that. I find the idea that you have a bunch of undergraduate students protesting against high costs, while at the same time, demanding that NYU's money be thrown away in such a manner utter comedy, although perhaps it's slightly disturbing and tragic at the same time.

As for my political viewpoints, we can take that to PMs if you'd like. This isn't the board for discussing them.
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