Rubenstein, Unscrambling the binary code, 1991

Thanks again Andy.

On the first page, how did d, one plus the payout rate, and r enter the log?

The textbook risk neutral approach has them outside the log.

What's the expression for S in terms of r and d?
Thanks again Andy.

On the first page, how did d, one plus the payout rate, enter the option formula?

The textbook risk neutral approach does not have the d term.

Only because they take d=0; this is a more general case.
Never mind. I think I figured it out. I reread the start of the paper carefully and it says,

"... the underlying asset return can be assumed to follow a lognormal random walk."

The SDE should be:

($dS=\sigma SdW+[\log(d)-\log(r)]Sdt$)

Thanks for your time Doug.
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