I was at an actuary career fair today at Rutgers (I am an undergrad there) and the MSMF program had a desk. Since most people here are concerned with placement rates, I thought I would pass on some info.
For the Dec 2009 graduates, 100% have full time jobs lined up, and for graduates from last spring she said only 3 do not have jobs, but did not take it upon themselves to find a job until graduation. There is something like 120 in the program now (wow).
It should be noted that this program has a separate career services dept, in addition to the one serving all undergraduates. They have exclusive presentations from employers as well.
Also, I asked about the difference between this program and the MQF offered by the business school, and she said that the MQF program is, in few words, less technical (she was an associate director head of career services, not a professor).
For the Dec 2009 graduates, 100% have full time jobs lined up, and for graduates from last spring she said only 3 do not have jobs, but did not take it upon themselves to find a job until graduation. There is something like 120 in the program now (wow).
It should be noted that this program has a separate career services dept, in addition to the one serving all undergraduates. They have exclusive presentations from employers as well.
Also, I asked about the difference between this program and the MQF offered by the business school, and she said that the MQF program is, in few words, less technical (she was an associate director head of career services, not a professor).