Rutgers MSMF Rutgers MSMF Placement

I was at an actuary career fair today at Rutgers (I am an undergrad there) and the MSMF program had a desk. Since most people here are concerned with placement rates, I thought I would pass on some info.

For the Dec 2009 graduates, 100% have full time jobs lined up, and for graduates from last spring she said only 3 do not have jobs, but did not take it upon themselves to find a job until graduation. There is something like 120 in the program now (wow).

It should be noted that this program has a separate career services dept, in addition to the one serving all undergraduates. They have exclusive presentations from employers as well.

Also, I asked about the difference between this program and the MQF offered by the business school, and she said that the MQF program is, in few words, less technical (she was an associate director head of career services, not a professor).
With placement rates that high, you would think they would be more willing to divulge the information on their web site as most of the top programs do.

call me a sceptic, but really?

i mean u have three top schools saying on their website that they did'nt have 100% placements....
With placement rates that high, you would think they would be more willing to divulge the information on their web site as most of the top programs do.
They should. Just like how they are displaying "top 10 national ranking by AdvancedTrading" on their front page.
Mathematical Finance at Rutgers University

And for the record, until I see the info displayed officially, I would treat it as rumor. For what it worth, the lady may not know as much about the programs as its directors.
This is really not consistent with my conversation with a student at Rutgers. I had a long talk with this current MSMF student and at the end of it, I thought to myself I will consider joining Rutgers if I do not have an option.
i am a lil confused about the rutgers MSMF program.i am still considering whether or not to join but people here seem to be of very contradictory opinions.. any advice on the program ? and what is the placement scene after this masters at rutgers?
So you guys think that Rutgers saying that they have 100% placement is valid.

How would you compare this with Boston's MSMF program placement.


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Rutgers MSMF placement as of July 21, 2010

For 2010, 80% and 75% of our January and May graduates, respectively, have been placed to date.

* Graduates who do not respond to placement inquiries are not counted in our placement totals.

Mathematical Finance

Assuming half the graduating class did not respond to the survey, then these numbers don't say much. I guess the PR dept. tries to sugar coat every thing.

It would be interesting to get some real numbers on how many people actually responded and how many didn't. How can a school say the have 100% placement when they don't count everyone.

We placed everyone except those who were so dejected that we didn't place them that they refused to respond to our inquiry emails, which was almost everyone who we didn't place.

The reality: at about halfway through spring semester, their first career placement officer left her post and went onto become the dean of the undergraduates in the university. Everyone I talked to in my time series class (which was a must-have for the MSMFs) around the end said they didn't have a job or an internship at that time (April-Mayish)
Assuming half the graduating class did not respond to the survey, then these numbers don't say much.
It would be interesting to get some real numbers on how many people actually responded and how many didn't. How can a school say the have 100% placement when they don't count everyone.
Sad but true.
4/5 and 3/4 makes 80% and 75%
Until the programs become more transparent and follow a standard placement reporting practice, the students are paying for incomplete/misleading information.
Too bad as paying customers they don't question a thing.
The worst part about it is that the MSMF kids pay another $3,000 a semester as compared to say, MS statistics students, when both degrees are highly quantitative and stress programming for all applied work (R for statistics, a bunch of different languages for MSMF from what I hear...a little bit of C++, a bit of R, bit of this, bit of that).

This is why I chose MS stats.

But then again, we all have to keep in mind that universities first and foremost are businesses. So long as they get their $35K or whatever it is for printing you that piece of paper you can later say you "earned" on your resume, they're happy--regardless of whether or not what they teach makes next to no difference on the employability of their graduates.
I guess the PR dept. tries to sugar coat every thing.

It would be interesting to get some real numbers on how many people actually responded and how many didn't. How can a school say the have 100% placement when they don't count everyone.

They are not lying. They submitted a survey and some people responded. they are not sugar coating anything. It is what it is and they can't do anything about it.

I think they should've mentioned how many inquiries they sent and how many responses they got. Even in that case, you can't assume all the people who didn't respond, didn't get a job... but you can form a good idea.

---------- Post added at 09:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ----------

...This is why I chose MS stats.

so far, it hasn't worked out as well as you expected, right? Maybe if you would've done the MSMF, you would've been in a different situation now.
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