Sample quant resumes out of Grad school

Hi all,
I graduate in Spring 12' and I was looking to change my electrical engineering resume to one more attractive in Quant Finance. I have googled, and I will google some more but if the members of this board can point me in the right direction I would be very grateful.

Hi all,
I graduate in Spring 12' and I was looking to change my electrical engineering resume to one more attractive in Quant Finance. I have googled, and I will google some more but if the members of this board can point me in the right direction it would be very grateful.


This is just a sample from NYU Math Finance. Your best bet is looking at profiles on linkedin, or checking out sites of schools with FE programs to see if the make their resume book available
I feel like I might be jumping the gun (because I assume NYU proof reads these things), but does the second resume in the 2011 NYU book have a misspelled address? Colombus Avenue (have I just never heard of this place). I mean it's a really minor typo, but it's right there in the header and jumps out. I'd hope that, for all the expense, the programs are at least providing some guidance/help on the resume front.
I also found a contradiction in the dates in the 3rd resume for ANTOINE ACLOQUE. It says she finished her BBA while receiving her MBA? She finished her MBA in 6 months?
it's not about time, it's about attention to detail and I noticed it the first time I read the resume.

I am applying to Grad schools for Fall 2012. Started working on my academic resume yesterday. If you dont mind i would like to send it to you when i get done so that you can read it and help me improve. If you have time and are willing to help.
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