start-up opportunity

I am curious as to what kind of opportunity exists for a guy equipped with MSin Fin MAths/quant fin , in terms of starting a business of his own?

would it be small trading /broker firm or investment banking ? or ...
I would be looking for a business of my own after sometime using my talent and skills, so the question.

please share your exp/idea.
Gotta have money and a bit of a reputation. After you save up a few hundred grand and are friends with enough investors, you can start up a hedge fund if you focus on trading. Other start-up opps include starting up an analytics service or consulting business.
thanks Andy. I got very good insight.

i read the interview. i find that trading is not for me. not suitable for me. may be consulting would suit me or analytics. But then , isn't MS Finance (without quant or mathematical) guy can do analytics and consulting?

you aren't going to be able to startup any sort of consulting type of deal without experience, unless you are playing the investment role and hiring talent.

regardless, your question is somewhat misdirected imo. You can startup a company based on any set of experience, skills, anything. That is the nature of entreprenuership. You just need a plan, a value proposition and away you go. The relative success of any startup depends on many factors, experience is defintely one of them.

If you want to start a company you need to provide a service or create a product people want, plain and simple, research is often required to come with an idea, a market, investors, and plans.
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