Starting salaries for Quant related roles

I have a question regarding starting salaries after doing MFE(or related) from top(and expensive) universities such as CMU,Princeton & Columbia compared to relatively lower ranked (or relatively less expensive I should say) such as Kent state or North Carolina State University (or maybe a university that is not even in top 20) ?
I know there are a lot of variables involved but I just wanted to get a general idea of how the starting salary is effected by how expensive the Masters is ?

In my opinion, the biggest factor is having previous work experience (preferably in finance) or not. It's much easier to negotiate a higher salary when you already have a job, than coming fresh out of school
Thanks for reply mhy.
Sure, although experience is one of the variables but my question assumes here coming fresh out of school.
Yes, we have influx of data input from a certain year. But keep it mind that the main chart shows ALL data point while you will get a more relevant comparable stats once you enter your own data since it will filter to show only salary in your city, your experience range, your education, etc.

Give it a try ;)
thanks Andy but maybe I haven't phrased my question correctly as the link you gave doesn't answer my question.
What I am trying to ask is, how much of a difference would a masters from a best university (where you spend more $70k)
make compared to some average university (where you can earn a quant related masters for around $30k) ?
Is is just that it only puts on top of the pile of CV's when you apply for jobs or it effects starting salaries as well ?

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