Switching from Physics to QF

Hi everyone,

I apologize if my first post has to be a question and not a contribuiton, but I'd like to have some ideas about something that has been on my mind for a while.

I'm a 25 year old student who has a Bachelor in Management from a major university, with some courses in finance. After my bachelor, I decided to change path and started with Physics. In August 2016 I will have a Bachelor-level education in Physics too (unfortunately, with average grades).
I plan to go on with a Master in Physics, where I am quite certain I will have good grades (can explain why but for brevity won't for now). As minors, I will have Probability, Statistics (both with a Mathematics approach) and some programming. I would like go work in quantitative finance upon/after graduation. Is my curriculum satisfying for that? Am I eligible to apply for a trading position in a hedge fund after some years on, say, a credit/risk desk at a major bank/stock exchange? To my credit: both unis I attended are major names (top 10 worldwide), I have some summer schools I can showcase on the CV, I speak 4 languages all at C1.5 level or better.
Cons: I am not a Maths major (couldn't switch easily, either), I have no work experience. By contrast, comparing my syllabi to those of, say, Imperial, I can say without doubt that we have a more demanding program (30% more workload/topics treated for the same formal credits).

Thank you in advance for your contributions. Feel also free to share ideas/critiques, anything.
"I plan to go on with a Master in Physics, where I am quite certain I will have good grades"

.. lot of water is going to flow under the bridge by that time. You should be focussing on getting good grades in MS than putting the cart before the horse and as a matter of fact having a MSc in Physics won't make you a special snowflake you would be just another guy with a decent credential if not anything exceptional.