The New iPad

I will probably get one, maybe the 64gig model. I wish Apple would increase the storage but they are probably saving that for next year's upgrade.
I put a lot of PDFs (magazines, books, etc, probably 30+ gig and growing). Plus tons of apps. I don't put any movies since I stream everything, and a few songs.
Amazon's Gold Box today is a stand w/ keyboard that looks pretty functional. I pulled the trigger on one for my iPad 2. Probably not going to upgrade to the new iPad. The one I have now is working great for me and I don't feel the need to drop a couple hundred bucks for a better screen.
Any idea why they didn't name it the iPad 3?

They should have at least called it the... wait for it....

  1. iPad
  2. iPad 2
  3. iPad NEW
Staring into digital displays is never good for you. Can't wait until PC displays have color eInk so I can work my Excel spreadsheets for hours without getting headaches.
I should agree with you. However, I have been staring at displays for long periods of time since age 7. So far no headaches... except when looking at Excel spreadsheets .
Got one this morning at Bestbuys surprisingly easy. No need to pre-order or wait in line the night before. Just walked into the store when it opens, get a number and pay. They have hundreds in stock.
Got one this morning at Bestbuys surprisingly easy. No need to pre-order or wait in line the night before. Just walked into the store when it opens, get a number and pay. They have hundreds in stock.
So, what's your evaluation?
Haven't got anything to test out the retina display yet. The rest is just like iPad 2 which I used in the past.
Now, I have to find some apps so I can move my daily tasks to it and retire my Thinkpad.
What are the worthy or must-have accessories to order with the iPad? The cover?
Maybe third-party accessories are better to buy from?

Personally, I have a third party case because I wanted something that actually protected the whole ipad and not just the screen. I got a leather "notebook" style case that has a flap over the cover that folds back all the way or can be used as a stand. It ads a drop of bulk to the ipad but that doesn't bother me much.
Guys, check out Onlive desktop. I have been playing with it this week and it is nice. If you pay $4.99/month, you can even use dropbox and surf with IE (for flash!).
Agreed. It's very useful for ms office as well (especially since they come free).
ms office for free? this is a lawsuit waiting to happen unless they have some sort of agreement with Microsoft.

Edit: this is already happening. Microsoft says Onlive violates Microsoft licenses. It is all over the internet.
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