University of California, Berkeley - Master of Financial Engineering

UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone would please their second interview experience (with Linda) here with us.

i was admitted for R2 2 days ago

Hi Jun, did you request for an early decision? If so, how long did it take since you requested to the time Berkeley came back with a reply? I requested an early decision for R2 since I got into another program and was wondering how long Berkeley took with requests such as these. Anyone else have any input on this? Thanks.
Hi Jun, did you request for an early decision? If so, how long did it take since you requested to the time Berkeley came back with a reply? I requested an early decision for R2 since I got into another program and was wondering how long Berkeley took with requests such as these. Anyone else have any input on this? Thanks.

I did not make such a request so I am unable to comment on this.
Hey guys,
Was wondering if any one of you would be interested in creating a skype/gmail or any other kind of group for students who have been offered admission? This way we could keep track and help each other out in meeting the pre-conditions of the program. I have created such groups in the past and it has been tremendously useful in keeping the group members motivated and help each other out with questions related to the program or FE field in general and also could be beneficial for networking once we have graduated. Let me know if any of you is interested?
How about a facebook group?
Sure we can do that too. Not against it. I have never tried that before. I am just worried that people might not be that open on a facebook group since it will be more of a public group and posts could be exposed to scrutiny thus preventing members from expressing themselves freely. But I will go ahead and create a facebook group. Here is the link: to the group.
For people who are interested in a skype group, my contact is varun(dot)umich on Skype. Feel free to add me, I will add you to the skype group.
Why don't we create a closed facebook group for this purpose? It prevents our posts from being visible to anyone other than members...
I like the idea. I'm not on Facebook though so I prefer a Skype or a Gmail group.

Let me know if I can help starting the group ...
Would you guys like to have a private group here since everyone is already a QN members? It can be invite-only.
Facebook is not accessible at work/China and not everyone uses Skype/Gmail.
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