UCLA Pre-program course (urgent advice needed)

Hi all,

I am a recent graduate in actuarial science and I took 3 semesters of calculus, 1 semester of linear algebra, 1 semester of calculus based probability and 2 classes on statistics along with a class in financial mathematics. Additionally I have passed 4 actuarial exams. However, looking at he pre-reqs of several MFE programs, I do not have classes on differential equations or numerical analysis and feel my application will be weakened by it. I took a look at several online pre-MFE classes and the UCLA pre-MFE maths class attracts me most as it has a flexible on-line learning schedule (I am also working full-time). But I am not sure if taking this class will satisfy the requisite maths knowledge requirement for many MFE programs and would like to ask if anyone has taken it before, what they thought of it and if it helped when they used their certificate to apply to other MFE programs.

The deadline to apply also happens to be today so I am in urgent need of help. Advice will be greatly appreciated!
I'm in the pre-MFE math class and I doubt it. It only scratches the surface on each subject. Berkeley is one of the only ones that require Numerical Analysis, but most require ODE and it's preferable that you have taken PDE.
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