University of Toronto - Master of Mathematical Finance

Toronto MathFin UofT MMF Students

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This is the email from Petra just mins ago:
Thank you for your application to the Mathematical Finance Program. We
have now reviewed all of the files, and I regret to inform you that it
appears unlikely at this time that we will be able to offer you a place
in this program for the coming year. There have been many excellent
candidates, and we were unable to accept them all.

However, we have left your name on the waiting list in case positions
become available within the next few months.

In any event, I wish you all the best in your future studies and thank you for your patience.

Oh well, at least now we can move on with life. Did you emailed her to ask or she just send it to you?
thanks qunli, wish you all the best! just ignore about that list and some day they may need to call you, if not then focus on next year and apply to more schools
Thank you. Maybe I need find a job and then make the application for next year. Good luck with you!
Hi guys, its time to plan for our living in Toronto this Fall, I have estimated my budget below, please comment if you are there as I've never lived in Toronto and being an international student I may not have a good estimation:

+ Tuition + Incidental fee + international isurance $25,000/year (assume 100% got internship)

+ Housing: $300 (share the house with another classmate based on average $600 per house near to downtown area)
+ Cell Phone + internet: $30/month (share with flatmate)
+ Food: $150/month (assume $5 a day on self cooking)
+ Transportation: $100/month (assume $3 a day go back and forth to school)
+ Toiletries (shampoo, toothpaste, haircut etc): $100/month
+ Other expenses (movies/entertainment etc): $20/month

Total personal expense for 1 year: $700 x 12 = $8400

+ Books: $200/year (can buy used books)

Total expenses for 1 year: $33,600

based on this, i expected to source for a fund of 40K to cover some other accidental expenses, will that be sufficient?

Btw, is it easy to find a part time job near to the campus?
Thank you jondan;):

I am an international student too.
I have noticed that the accommodation expense would be much less if living off-campus in downtown, while, as some
one who first came to Canada, I'm worried that this would cause some trouble or be quite inconvenient.
What do you think of this?

I spoke to a Chinese friend of mine and she gave me two websites that will help Chinese Students find housing in Toronto. They are:

not sure what standards toronto uses, but a classmate of mine who got Cs on his transcript and often try to free ride other classmates' homework got in this yr... this really drops my impression on U toronto.

but good luck to all you who still hope to get in U toronto! work hard and it will pay off! :)
well, they may have some ways to select among 480 applicants, but from the way interviews and assessments were conducted (admin officer asking technical questions, assessment was done by email at different times and everyone has the same questions etc), I am not impressed that they have a good admission process either, it is just a bit weird and cast my doubt on the reputation of the program
not sure what standards toronto uses, but a classmate of mine who got Cs on his transcript and often try to free ride other classmates' homework got in this yr... this really drops my impression on U toronto.

but good luck to all you who still hope to get in U toronto! work hard and it will pay off! :)
agree, mmf only rank gpa from high to low without considering your school background..... as regards to the interview and assessment, it does not count much in final evaluation....
well, they may have some ways to select among 480 applicants, but from the way interviews and assessments were conducted (admin officer asking technical questions, assessment was done by email at different times and everyone has the same questions etc), I am not impressed that they have a good admission process either, it is just a bit weird and cast my doubt on the reputation of the program

doraton, you deserve some other high-reputation school. once god closed door for u, he would open another better one
well so i guess my gpa is just too low to make the cut, it seems like doing undergraduate again is the only way to get past admission at programs that emphasize on gpa; this is perhaps the difference of admission process at Canadian schools and universities oversea but well I have decided to study in canada so this is my only choice, life must go on no matter what
well so i guess my gpa is just too low to make the cut, it seems like doing undergraduate again is the only way to get past admission at programs that emphasize on gpa; this is perhaps the difference of admission process at Canadian schools and universities oversea but well I have decided to study in canada so this is my only choice, life must go on no matter what
yeah. the admission criteria is kinda weird based on what i heard....and risk is not the only choice, somehow, you can find better job instead of risk....... got rid of risk is not a bad thing, good luck on ur career path!
well so i guess my gpa is just too low to make the cut, it seems like doing undergraduate again is the only way to get past admission at programs that emphasize on gpa; this is perhaps the difference of admission process at Canadian schools and universities oversea but well I have decided to study in canada so this is my only choice, life must go on no matter what
how long have u been out of school? they emphasized to me that they don't like ppl who are out of school for too long (>4 years) when i went to the info session.

doing another undergrad just to get into mmf seems like a lot of work... have u thought about doing a stats master instead? there's also not a lot of quant positions (FO) in canada, so u should think twice before committing to this.
how long have u been out of school? they emphasized to me that they don't like ppl who are out of school for too long (>4 years) when i went to the info session.

doing another undergrad just to get into mmf seems like a lot of work... have u thought about doing a stats master instead? there's also not a lot of quant positions (FO) in canada, so u should think twice before committing to this.

yes, i am out of school for 3+ years; well, no pain no gain, I did a bad mistake not to focus on gpa when i was an undergrad so I've have to change it, this is not only for mmf, i will apply for other programs too (waterloo is also a very good one) and it seems most are focusing on gpa anyway, i can do the degree part time so that will not be too much a burden financially
Work hard and apply for US schools next year! my classmate whos accepted by toronto this yr doesnt have great gpa either. he would call us six times in a day right bfr the final project is due hoping to copy our work. his enrollment is already a joke among the math students at my school since many of us had bad class experience with him. i feel toronto is not being responsible for selecting students fairly (maybe im wrong). but at least most US schools emphasize on programming-skill shaping, which is something toronto doesnt offer. Cheers~ :)
Thank you, Yitong. I will go to work fulltime soon and apply for next year.:)
How many people are on the waiting list?
I send them email just now, here is the reply:
Unfortunately, when (and if) there may be an opening will not be before mid-July because the Program is abolutely full currently.
If you don't wish to stay in our 'waiting pool' (without ranking), please let me know.
is there really an official waitlist? I thought those that was interviewed and then wait forever till rejected were waitlister? if people with low gpa can get in then i have no idea how the selection process was done, why don't they require GRE score which is more standardized way to compare people at different schools (some are real easy ones where 50% have A+, others need to die hard to compete for a quota of 3% of A in the class of 100+ students), the new GRE is really hard to get perfect score so it is easier to differentiate candidates from different schools and different countries
I send them email just now, here is the reply:
Unfortunately, when (and if) there may be an opening will not be before mid-July because the Program is abolutely full currently.
If you don't wish to stay in our 'waiting pool' (without ranking), please let me know.
if you are an international student, I believe that this is not possible since the visa will take a long time to process, I have a friend who is admitted to Waterloo and his visa take 2 months to process with a lot of documentations, you should highlight with them so they can communicate faster if they really have a spot open for you, mid july is really close to starting of the class