USC, Claremont, or BU better for algorithmic trading prep?

I'm not completely sure on my career path right now, but in trying to decide between USC, BU, and Claremont I was wondering if either program shines in certain aspects such as alg trading, since so far it looks like the most fun (I like programming)

Maybe this doesn't happen, but is there a difference between the programs' focus on programming? In general, are any of those 3 programs specialized in a way that makes success in one type of quant job more likely?

Also, I saw the pdf by Mark Joshi about the differences between quant jobs, and I was wondering if anyone has anything else I could draw on.
None of the above. The kind of job you get depends a good deal on your previous experience, you programming skill. The 3 are not known for their intensive programming training.
You're a self proclaimed 'Poker god'... why even go into algo trading? Just play poker and make money.
yeah, I wish I could
It's really tough having poker as my only job and going on a big downswing though. Really stressful. Also if the legal landscape changes or play becomes too difficult (due to bad players quitting) then I'm old, degree-less, and resume-less. Not a good plan.
Also its not nearly as well paying unless I can move back up to $1k NL, but I don't see that as happening any time soon.
Actually at BU there is a working professional who teaches a 2 unit class during the spring. I believe he was a VP at Deutsche and now works for a hedge fund doing algo trading. When I went to the BU open house I also sat in his lecture. I came away pretty impressed with the lecture, he is definitely one of the more fun and interesting professor who also teaches well. Very engaging no-bs, good person. Look up Dr. Namini.

The course is titled "Quantitative Strategies and Algorithmic Trading".
And I quote from the internet:
"This course details the use of quantitative methods in the development and implementation of trading strategies in the rates and debt markets with focus on both the market-making and proprietary trader perspectives. Both end-of-day and intraday strategies will be discussed with emphasis on the development, back testing methodology, and performance attribution of any strategy. Students will be grouped into market making and proprietary trading teams with the goal of generating positive P&L against each other."
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