VC++ 6.0 or VC++ 2005??

Okey, this definitely is a beginner's question. I have VC++ 6.0 installed on my computer but am using the VC++ 2005 book by Ivor Horton. It looks like the book is totally referring to VC++ 2005. Would it be a problem for me, a beginner, to use a book for learning programming in C++ 2005 but practicing with C++ 6.0?? Thanks!
No, that won't be a problem. However, you can also download free versions of Visual Studio from the Microsoft website. You should be able to find both 2005 and 2008 -- they're call Express editions.
Agreed. VC++6 is horribly out of date by today's standards. You may pick up bad habits by using old C versions. As I recall, IDE support for the STL is lousy and you'll never get Boost to compile. Both of those will be needed once you get past beginner stages.
No, that won't be a problem. However, you can also download free versions of Visual Studio from the Microsoft website. You should be able to find both 2005 and 2008 -- they're call Express editions.

If I am using 2008 express, does it mean I have to download my own compiler (for windows)?
dish VC++ 6. It's a piece of crap.

Agreed. VC++6 is horribly out of date by today's standards. You may pick up bad habits by using old C versions. As I recall, IDE support for the STL is lousy and you'll never get Boost to compile. Both of those will be needed once you get past beginner stages. 11-18-2008 11:32 PM

That is bad news. :-k Are the Express versions also limited in this sense? If I am to buy a professional version, which one to choose, 2005 or 2008??

Thanks all you guys for the responses!

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