Wanted: MFE students diary

Our reviews of MFE programs have been a big success, thanks to contribution by many of our members who benefited from our community at some point during their study.

We have been contacted by many current and incoming students at different MFE programs to set up a diary where they can document and share their journey as they go through the program. This will be a great way for our members to learn about different programs through the eyes of real persons, real lives.

You will help change the lives of many people. You also will have many benefit as well.

If you like to set up your own diary where you pretty much blog about anything you like, please contact us.

You can take a sneak peek of the section at Blog | QuantNetwork
We have Joy Pathak, who has done a remarkable job with his blog detailing his study at Illinois MS Finance program.
Joy Pathak | Quant Network

We also have manish, who is interested in starting a diary for his study at NYU MSMF program.

If anyone from other programs want to have a place to keep their note either private or share with public, we are help to help.

Contact me via PM or using the Contact form for more info
Contact Us | Quant Network
Dear diary,

Today I decomposed a matrix using Cholesky. It was exhilarating and made me feel more alive than ever. Tomorrow I might even solve the system using SOR, the thought makes me tingle with anticipation.

Dear diary,

Today I decomposed a matrix using Cholesky. It was exhilarating and made me feel more alive than ever. Tomorrow I might even solve the system using SOR, the thought makes me tingle with anticipation.

If this were Facebook, I would "like" this comment. Consider this de facto approval.
I sent out an email to directors of half dozen programs and they all think this is a very good idea and plan to encourage their incoming students to start a blog on quantnet.com
When I look Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory, that was my reaction to successfully decomposing a matrix.
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