What age is too old to be a quant modeler?

I am a Chicago MBA with 4+ years of investment banking (corporate finance) experience and about 6 years as an actuary. I am planning to go back to UC to complete the MSFM program.
Would age be a barrier?
If yes, how can I overcome the age barrier if possible?
Any advice would be appreciated.
no age barrier. I don't know if going back to MSFM would work though but it definitely won't hurt.

Why do you want to go to MSFM? what kind of Quant Modeler?
The gap between quant and actuary is narrower nowadays. Frankly speaking, both are dealing with the markets but one focuses more on risk management. I find many fully qualified actuaries do quant stuff too. If you know how to make money, it works anywhere!
My most recent experience is in M&A and capital raising (debt and equity), which as you know, is very different than modeling on a desk. Ideally, I would like to have a quant research role.

My most recent experience is in M&A and capital raising (debt and equity), which as you know, is very different than modeling on a desk. Ideally, I would like to have a quant research role.

Frankly speaking, quant job can be very challenging because you are dealing with the markets and you try to out perform it. However, it can be very repetitive if you are a quant developer. Have you thought of fund manager role in the field of investment research and strategies. These people have big pockets and they ask the quants what to do....my two bits.
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