What is the Importance of Volatlity Forecast

I'm trying to wrap my head around the reason one would make use of volatility forecasting?
I have read a few research papers implementing time series models and volatility indexes to forecast volatility. Is the idea of forecasting volatility and improving volatility forecasts purely academical or is there a place for it in practice.
Is it correct to say that it can improve VaR calculations if you use a your volatility parameter from a model that can forecast volatility better?
Will better volatility forecast models also be able to improve the pricing of options?

Thank you in advance for any help and input.
Recently, there has been a lot of interest and rising popularity in volatility-derived exchange-traded products. A very popular one is the VIX ETF issued by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). The price of such volatility-derived contracts is determined by the volatility of the underlying asset - in the case of the VIX, it is calculated from implied volatilities on at-the-money options on the S&P500 stocks. Thus, if you can predict the volatilities on these stocks, then you can make a lot of money trading the relevant volatility products.

It's always the same game. If you see interest, it has to be because there's potential for profit.
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