Baruch MFE Where do Baruch people work?

not trying to cause problems. But I am about to start a job at my fourth bank in the last 15 years and I have NEVER met a grad from Baruch. All major NY investment banks. The new one had no of the interviewers from Baruch (and I talked to ten people)
Baruch MFE?

I worked at Morgan Stanley and had 15 fellow classmates from the 3 years (I was part-time) I was at Baruch with working there. I now work at another large bank and have 4 Baruch MFE alumni one row over from where I am sitting.
Was this the strat group or some back office job? I was on the interview committee at MS and Baruch was not on the list. For better or worse (I thin worse), that place is a degree snob.
from what i've heard baruch students usually go to hedge funds and strats at gs so that's probably why you haven't seen them around
Was this the strat group or some back office job? I was on the interview committee at MS and Baruch was not on the list. For better or worse (I thin worse), that place is a degree snob.

Firstly, LinkedIn searches should yield the answer to where our students work.

As for MS, it may depend on the area you have been involved in recruiting; every year since 2013 two or three of our students interned in strats at MS, and at least two joined full-time every year.
JP Morgan is full of Baruch Students: CIO, Risk, Strats, Electronic Trading, Mortgages, Quant Research, you name it. I have seen MFEs, MBAs and undergrads from Baruch everywhere.
JP Morgan is full of Baruch Students: CIO, Risk, Strats, Electronic Trading, Mortgages, Quant Research, you name it. I have seen MFEs, MBAs and undergrads from Baruch everywhere.
I guess Jen Abbott who posts here has a lot to do with getting people in MS. Just like when they interviewed a lot of people from Illinois because one of the MDs went there. Guess it just changes with whenever is in charge. Still have yet to meet one
I am an inflation bond trader at TD securities in NY. I was at RBS before after grad from Baruch MFE. 2 students from BaruchMFE were traders at RBS when I was there. One was a swap trader (recently left to start his own hedge fund) another on the swaption desk got promoted and runs the whole desk now. You can look them up, Carl Smith and Sudanshu Paradasini. One of my good friends from Baruch MFE is in the portfolio management group at AQR. Another guy I graduated with is a Structurer at Soc Gen right now.

Hope this helps bud!
Was this the strat group or some back office job? I was on the interview committee at MS and Baruch was not on the list. For better or worse (I thin worse), that place is a degree snob.

Ha! Funny you mention this. The following groups ARE degree snobs at Morgan:

  • Front office sales and trading (loads of Villanova grads, not sure why)
  • Equity Research
  • Investment Banking
But the front office strategy groups hire an average of 2 Baruch MFE grads a year (straight out of school) far as I recall which is pretty impressive.
not trying to cause problems. But I am about to start a job at my fourth bank in the last 15 years and I have NEVER met a grad from Baruch. All major NY investment banks. The new one had no of the interviewers from Baruch (and I talked to ten people)

I worked at two big banks in strats (not MS) and there were several Baruch MFE grads in each place. Good people. Gotta say I liked our Berkeley alums more but they were cool too :)
Front office sales and trading (loads of Villanova grads, not sure why)

Villanova is(was?) famous for sports. Seemingly, you have to be physically fit as well to be a trader. I once saw an ad, they were looking for judo and karate traders :)

The most famous Irish athlete from Villanova was Ronnie Delaney.

Did a wiki..
The Villanova School of Business is ranked No. 1 in the U.S. in Bloomberg Businessweek 's 2016 rankings of undergraduate business schools,[15] and No. 29 in the Financial Times' ranking of top executive MBA programs
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not trying to cause problems. But I am about to start a job at my fourth bank in the last 15 years and I have NEVER met a grad from Baruch. All major NY investment banks. The new one had no of the interviewers from Baruch (and I talked to ten people)

I started working at Numerix while I was at Baruch and continued working there after graduation. I'm now working at a hedge fund doing systematic trading.
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