Where to watch World cup for free

The German blitzkrieg appears unstoppable. I was watching the news on Deutsche Welle earlier in the evening: it appears the Germans (and the Dutch) have been investing heavily in youth football for the last decade or so. Now they're reaping the dividends. For a bit of schadenfreude, DW was contrasting the exultant crowds in Berlin with the glum and cheerless ones in Buenos Aires.
Argentina was always going to lose, Maradona has no idea what he's doing.

As one of the few former (if any other?) manchester united players still in the tournament, I hope the in-form Diego Forlan and Uruguay can continue to upset. Haha the man with the best goals-to-shirt-removal ratio in the Premiership!

Looks like the bandwagon slammed into a giant red brick wall.

The German team was unrecognisable. The match itself was lacklustre: I would like to congratulate the Spanish for playing well but they didn't. No verve at all.
Actually, at all the major betting houses, with one exception, Spain was favorite to win. For once, they got it right, in spite of the impression the casual fan got just from watching the previous games.
i agree with bbw. i am all for spain just because of the teamwork and that they've never won the cup so far etc etc, but sometimes its sad to see prolonged stretches of short passes in midfield...even if they end up winning.
maybe there are people who like this style of play
Yup, I was really disappointed yesterday how <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on">Germany</st1:country-region> played, <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Spain</st1:place></st1:country-region> was better, that is the fact. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
I'm all for <st1:City w:st="on">Holland</st1:City> now, they showed much more interesting football unlike the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Spain</st1:place></st1:country-region> which was really boring all World Cup :)))<o:p></o:p>
The Germans are now wondering how to cook octopus. In Der Spiegel:

No one can say Germany's World Cup loss to Spain last night was unexpected. Paul the octopus, after all, predicted as much on Tuesday. Now, football fans are calling for Paul's head.

Germans thronged restaurants and bars on one of the longest, warmest nights of the year on Wednesday to watch the World Cup semifinal against Spain, rightfully anticipating an advance to the final on Sunday. But they went home disappointed. TV presenters spoke in sober cadences, and some Germans wondered how to cook octopus.
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Paul the octopus, "the Oracle of Oberhausen," has successfully predicted all six of Germany's World Cup matches so far -- after going four for five in the European Championships two years ago. No one knows how he does it, but for a while it made him the most popular invertebrate in Germany, stealing headlines even from the coalition government.

I've been following Titus Chalk's analysis on Deutsche Welle. I can't find a transcipt of it online but I have found this engaging piece by him on the German accomplishment. It is, incidentally, an exemplary essay and might inspire those anxious to get into ranking graduate programs. :)
Spain won

Nobody care about Spain winning? It's their first time.

Toronto seems to be going absolutely nuts right now over them! Didn't know there was such a big spanish population here.
Nobody care about Spain winning? It's their first time.

Toronto seems to be going absolutely nuts right now over them! Didn't know there was such a big spanish population here.

In NY, Spain had a lot of supporters. A lot of Spanish speaking people chose to support Spain even though they might not have sympathy for the country.
Similarly Brazil has a lot of support when they are on top. People love winners.

Spain was a complete team, clearly their best generation in history, they deserve the trophy. On the other hand, Netherlands lost the third final and considering the beauty of their football, it may be too much.
In the final game, the referee influenced decisively the result, normally it should have gone to penalties ...
Germany and Netherlands Decide to Adopt Calamari as National Dish

Germany and Netherlands Decide to Adopt Calamari as National Dish

....until 2014

---------- Post added at 12:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 AM ----------

i just made that one up for all the people going after that poor invertebrate dweller of a Berlin fishtank

in any case Diego Forlan with the Golden Ball and Mueller's Golden Boot, very well deserved both. Forlans goals have been some of my favorite ones this WorldCup. too bad i did not follow Uruguay group stages
Congrats to the Spaniards. I was rooting for Holland but they certainly had their chances to win and did not convert.

Hopefully the 2018 games can be played in the US and we can all go to the live games and vuvuzela our hearts out.
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