Will I have time to play video games?

I like Dota 2 and Call of Duty but will I have time for that with all the work plus gym and a romantic life?
very tough to find the time for it! I'm into gaming, FPS only and i bought a 5000$ PC but i can only manage to play 2/3 games a year. I'll probably take a time off to play the new DOOM :)
whether op is a troll or not.
the question should be really how much time do you spend playing video games.
if you're like me: max 5-10 hrs a week. then I don't see how it's impossible to manage.

ps: fighting games are less time consuming, check them out :D
If only Dota 2 and Call of Duty pays you to play, then that would've been wonderful. But you got work so you can't neglect it especially your gym sessions. You can just play games on your spare time.
Many married men play video games as well. Instead of watching your Sunday football, you can spend that time playing COD.
Seriously, are games not just a waste of time?
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I think everyone should spend some time each day just enjoying their lives; not chasing dreams or working non-stop hoping to "one day enjoy life". I am married with 3 kids - we play Hearthstone together and I find it educational (for the kids), fun, and a great bonding experience.

Playing video games 3+ hours a day is indicative of very poor time management skills. Playing one hour a day is very reasonable; I would say even a healthy activity.
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