S Shen Wenjie C++ Certificate Joined 5/14/23 Messages 108 Points 128 5/17/23 #1 I have taken C++ and python courses. Would it helpful to write them down in my resume?
APalley Joined 12/9/09 Messages 55,669 Points 1,273 5/17/23 #2 Shen Wenjie said: I have taken C++ and python courses. Would it helpful to write them down in my resume? Click to expand... Absolutely
Shen Wenjie said: I have taken C++ and python courses. Would it helpful to write them down in my resume? Click to expand... Absolutely
Daniel Duffy C++ author, trainer Joined 10/4/07 Messages 10,545 Points 648 5/18/23 #3 There isn't any more mature, stamina, thorough and professional C++ course than QN C++.
MRoss Joined 4/21/11 Messages 878 Points 73 5/19/23 #4 Do yourself a favor: Don't just list it clumped together with a bunch of other certifications. Make it POP. CERTIFICATIONS C++ For Financial Engineering by QuantNet, awarded distinction Case Study: I developed a model by which... Get specific, not in a programming technical sense, but highlighting how you've implemented financial models using advanced programming techniques.
Do yourself a favor: Don't just list it clumped together with a bunch of other certifications. Make it POP. CERTIFICATIONS C++ For Financial Engineering by QuantNet, awarded distinction Case Study: I developed a model by which... Get specific, not in a programming technical sense, but highlighting how you've implemented financial models using advanced programming techniques.
Daniel Duffy C++ author, trainer Joined 10/4/07 Messages 10,545 Points 648 5/19/23 #5 For example, projects related my continuing work Online Courses :: Datasim The book Numerical Methods in Computational Finance: A Partial Differential Equation (PDE/FDM) Approach, March 2022. Numerical Methods in Computational Finance: A Partial Differential Equation (PDE/FDM) Approach
For example, projects related my continuing work Online Courses :: Datasim The book Numerical Methods in Computational Finance: A Partial Differential Equation (PDE/FDM) Approach, March 2022. Numerical Methods in Computational Finance: A Partial Differential Equation (PDE/FDM) Approach
Daniel Duffy C++ author, trainer Joined 10/4/07 Messages 10,545 Points 648 5/19/23 #6 If you check out my Linkedin profile you find a large number of MSc theses in computational finance that I supervised.
If you check out my Linkedin profile you find a large number of MSc theses in computational finance that I supervised.