Advanced C++ and Modern Design Cert Testimonials

This is such a great course! I learned a lot from it and really enjoyed the C++ learning experience. The class is very well organized and structured. The learning materials are very interesting and useful. The TAs are extremely helpful and always answer the students' questions on the forum. It is definitely worth taken for anyone who wants to learn more C++ or love programming in general.
It is a great course. Teaching assistant is so helpful that every time I got my grades within one day of submission and the comments were solid and constructive. I would definitely suggest this course to someone who is willing to learn more and in depth about C++ features and applications and it is surely worth the money.

Gongshun Yin
The course materials are abundant and meaningful, though the exercises are sometimes hard to understand. TA and professor Daniel answer questions on the forum pretty promptly. Grading of Homework is very useful.
Zhihao Chen
Hi all,

The C++11/C++14 with Multidisciplinary Applications online course is an excellent opportunity to dive in the new features of C++11 and C++14, to get a deep understanding of them, and to advance your programming skills to a whole different level.

The video lectures and the reading material that are provided in each section, are more than enough for the students to get the idea of the newly introduced concepts. The reading material consists mostly of whole book chapters of advanced computer science textbooks, which give a deep insight of the presented concepts. The videos, too, are well detailed with many examples and full-comment explanation on the new features.

The homework problems are mainly straightforward questions, with a few exceptional problems in every level. The difficulty is gradual, but no problem is too hard to solve, given the appropriate time and attention. That said, I personally found about 60% of the homework problems to be quite straightforward, 30% of them to be difficult to do, but very doable, and 10% of them to require serious work, but again, doable to pull off.

The quality, intensity, and volume of the homework, ensure the continuous improvement of the students, and I seriously doubt that someone who completes this certificate won't be able to compete in real life and be considered an advanced, master-level programmer.

It took serious commitment, hard work, and 124 days to complete this certificate with distinction (93.84% final score). I couldn't be happier, and I wholeheartedly recommend this course to those who want to take their coding skills in a completely different level. It is indeed an advanced online certificate.

Special thanks to my TA @APalley and to the instructor of this course @Daniel Duffy, for their on-time and excellent, intuitive support in the forum, and to @Andy Nguyen who helped to put everything together. Wonderful job!

Cheers! ;)

Pavlos Sakoglou
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I have a question as to what kind of wall street job should one expect after doing advance certification. I am interested in this course but need to make my mind for complete C++ job.
I have a question as to what kind of wall street job should one expect after doing advance certification. I am interested in this course but need to make my mind for complete C++ job.

My 2 cents
C++ is the best language. What might be worth investigating is best-of-all-worlds C++ with C# (and C++/CLI) which seems to be a growing area.
Thanks you for these articles on the use of C++ with C#. I have seen this implementation in investment banking.
I just completed the course and I have to say it was a really great course and a really nice part 2 to the first course. It was very well put together in terms of materials and exercises. I do feel like I have went from someone who thought of C++ being something really hard to learn to a really nice language that can do a lot more than I could have imagined. I want to thank my TAs @APalley, @GONG CHEN, for answering my questions and being patient with me this whole time. Also @Daniel Duffy, for the materials, notes and lecture videos and replying to my questions as well. I feel very confident now in my C++ skills and I could not believe how fast this has happened.
Thank you. One aspect of the course is not to waste the student's precious energy and time on 'cute' features at the expense of more important stuff.
Second, all code is machine-runnable and not pseudo-code, and this includes the exercises.

The C++ courses originated and were developed in many branches of industry since 1989. So we didn't come down in the last shower. :D

Last but not least, Andy has created a great site and the TAa are super :)
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Thank you. One aspect of the course is not to waste the student's precious on 'cute' features at the expense of more important stuff.
Second, all code is machine-runnable and not pseudo-code, and this includes the exercises.

The C++ courses originated and were developed in many branches of industry since 1989. So we didn't come down in the last shower. :D

Last but not least, Andy has created a great site and the TAa are super :)

Yes, totally agree and thanks @Andy Nguyen for developing a great site.
I have joined "Advanced C++ and Modern Design" to gain C++ expertise and advance to new level. Whole course is exceptionally structured (thanks to @Daniel Duffy @Andy Nguyen) and gave me good understanding of STL, multithreading, TMP, lambda usage, and several design pattern implementation. There were times, where I found myself lost in design pattern implementation because for me, it was too advance level. With the help of forum, and some design pattern published paper I was able to understand concept and implement the same.

I have learnt a lot in whole assignment and feedback implementation. Thanks to @APalley

Yes, this course needs your dedicated time. For me as working professional I assigned daily few hours to attempt few questions out of my work schedule.

I would highly recommend this course to all, who wants to learn, practice, and apply in their profession.
Curious to know in general what is the weekly time commitment and how long for Advanced C++ course for someone with decent C+ background and almost no software industry experience. Looking for realistic numbers.
Curious to know in general what is the weekly time commitment and how long for Advanced C++ course for someone with decent C+ background and almost no software industry experience. Looking for realistic numbers.
My rough guess is at least 8 hours per week is necessary. I am the originator so my estimate does not include the upper limit (in theory 24/7 :)).

decent C+ background
This could mean anything, big spread.
Most institutes I've seen are far behind the QN C++ course (which is based on 30 years experience from real life).
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Curious to know in general what is the weekly time commitment and how long for Advanced C++ course for someone with decent C+ background and almost no software industry experience. Looking for realistic numbers.
My rough guess is at least 8 hours per week is necessary. I am the originator so my estimate does not include the upper limit (in theory 24/7 :)).

decent C+ background
This could mean anything, big spread.
Most institutes I've seen are far behind the QN C++ course (which is based on 30 years experience from real life).
In general, the first C++ course is required to be taken first, unless one has C++ industry experience. The first course actually goes fairly deep, and instills proper coding skills and practices that one does not pick up being self-taught or even university-taught; experience that comes with practice and code peer review.
In general, the first C++ course is required to be taken first, unless one has C++ industry experience. The first course actually goes fairly deep, and instills proper coding skills and practices that one does not pick up being self-taught or even university-taught; experience that comes with practice and code peer review.
Unfortunately, self-taught or university style is sub-optimal in this case.
In my case, I was the first C++ programmer in the Netherlands in 1989.
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In general, the first C++ course is required to be taken first, unless one has C++ industry experience. The first course actually goes fairly deep, and instills proper coding skills and practices that one does not pick up being self-taught or even university-taught; experience that comes with practice and code peer review.
Yes, I do agree. The important and all required concepts in C++ are covered in the level1. After checking the syllabus I felt it could be an overkill if I start with first course.
I am sure that neither I be able to use the best practices coding and right paradigm taught in Level 1 course nor error free lean code, but doing first course will probably hone my coding skills, teach me right coding standards, how to write cleaner code, better modularization since I know the concepts. But I seek to learn design pattern, Modern C++, multi-threading, concurrency, the industry relevant skills etc. So I am confused about the two as I have no hands-on C++ work experience. Had I been an absolute beginner Level 1 is a no-brainer. Basically I want to learn driving, being good at it is something that I want to leave it for the later when I get my hands dirty working in real world problem solving in a Software engineering setup.