Advanced C++ and Modern Design Online Certificate Students' intro thread

Objective: To brush up and improve my skills in software development and learn how to use C++ in quant projects. I am currently doing my CFA.

Programming Experience: C++, Java, C#, Red Hat Linux/Windows

Current Status: Solutions & Software, Architect / Consultant, living in the United Kingdom.

Intended pace: ASAP

Best Regards,
Objective: To advance my C++ skills even further,

Programming Experience: C++,python,Java,R

Current Status: Currently applying for jobs as a software engineering for C++ been unemployed for 3 months. Just finished the original course with distinction.

Intended pace:
3 months. I will try to finish and lecture slides/quiz in 1 week and the homework 1 week per each level up until the final project. About 3 -4 months?
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I am Lisa and look forward to study this advanced c++ course with you!

Objective: Learn some advanced C++ knowledge.

Programming Experience: I am proficient in C/C++, python, and R.

Intended pace: I will try to finish it in two to three months.
What's up people! I'm Tony. Feels good to be back on the forum.
Objective: Learn the most advanced technics of C++
Programming Exp: Took C++ for Financial Engineering (super useful course) last Summer. Most experienced with Python. Also experienced with R for regressions analysis and a little experience with SAS.
Intended pace: I plan to finish this course within 8 weeks. Sounds crazy I know!
Hi guys! Mason here, incoming student for Baruch MFE (Fall 2022).

Objective: To be familiar with modern features of C++. Some say they make C++ codes more elegant.

Programming experience: Took the basic C++ course here a while ago. Also use Python frequently for research.

Intended Pace: 8-12 weeks, or any pace I find more comfortable.

This is Ronnie. Glad to "meet" everyone in the forum.

Having benefited a lot from Daniel's C++ in FE course, I am here to further improve my proficiency in C++.

Objectives: (1) pick up new features in modern C++; (2) study design patterns.

Programming Experience: proficient in C/C++, Python, and R

Current Status: working in the financial industry.

Intended pace: 12 hours per week.
Nice to meet all of you here! My name is James Wu. I'm a senior interested in quantitative finance and want to extend my C++ skills to a higher level, making me a more skilled and competent programmer.

Objective: Explore further into C++11/14

Programming Experience: Python, R, C++, Matlab

Intended pace: 3-4 months depending on course contents (will try my best!)
Hi everyone. Alston here, an incoming student for the Baruch MFE program.

: Get familiar with the modern features of C++, get prepared for the interviews in the summer

Programming Experience
: Conducted a few data analysis projects in Python and took the C++ intro Course last year.

Intended pace
: Hopefully in the following 2 month
Hi everyone, Sanket here. I am a Physics PhD student and am to join an IB as a summer associate strat this June.

Objective: Learn latest C++ features and design patterns to be able to (eventually) understand and write industry level code. Hoping to learn enough to be able to explore learning material relevant for HFT space going ahead

Programming Experience: Quantnet C++ intro course, have used numerical Python in my research and have done a few small projects involving ML libraries, PyMongo, and some data analysis experience with libraries like pandas, PyMC3

Intended pace: 9 weeks
Hi all, I am Suyang Yuan, an incoming student of the Baruch MFE program for Fall 2023

Objective: This is required for us incoming Baruch MFE students. And I am happy to refresh my C++ knowledge and extend my skills to a higher level.

Programming Experience: I am proficient in Python, C++.

Current Status: Senior Student; incoming MFE student.

Intended pace: I will try to finish it before April 1st.
Hi everyone, I'm Yuanting Li, an incoming student of Baruch MFE in 2023 Fall.

Objective: It’s a required course for us. Of course, I’d like to enhance my C++ skills as well.

Programming Experience: Python, C++, Matlab

Current Work: Undergraduate at Peking University, Incoming Baruch MFE student

Intended Pace: Finish the course before April
Hi everyone, I'm Shubhankit Singh, and I am a quantitative finance enthusiast.

Objective: I have an affinity for C++ and want to expand my knowledge in it.I would like to implement this knowledge in a project building way hoping I can build an efficient stock-exchange or a backtester written mostly in C++

Programming Experience: C++, Java, Python, Scala, Kotlin

Current Work: Senior SWE in big tech ; Currently working on C++ hypervisors and Operating Systems

Intended Pace: Finish the course before April
Hi everyone! I'm Jiasheng Wu, an incoming student of Baruch MFE in 2023 Fall. You can also call me Jason.

Objective: I’d like to enhance my C++ skills. Also, this course is required before starting the Baruch MFE program.

Programming Experience: Proficient in Python, familiar with C++.

Current Work: Undergraduate at Peking University majoring in Physics with a dual degree in Economics, Incoming Baruch MFE student.

Intended Pace: Complete the course in two months.