Advanced C++ and Modern Design Online Certificate Students' intro thread

Hi everyone! MarcusAurelius here (impersonating the stoic emperor, yes...)

Objective: Build off the first course and develop solid programming skills/concepts/principles. I tried out a Coursera course (data structures in C++) and was baffled by the poor quality and high levels of plagiarism (close to 85% from my calculations and small sample size I was exposed to).

Programming Experience: Some Python, and R, but putting more effort into C++ as of late.

Current Work: Prospective MFE applicant.

Intended Pace: I will prioritize learning as much as possible the nitty-gritty, over speed. I'm not too worried about the timing, but the sooner the better.
Not much plagiarism on QN C++, which sets the standard :cool:
An appropriate saying from Julius Caesar is

Alea iacta est.
I guess there's also not much point in doing so, besides fooling oneself... The pain of going through the course is much more rewarding IMO (and the cost is extra 'skin in the game' ahaha).
In fairness, I'd rather have a C++ TA than some of my Latin teachers at school.
In my day there was no C++.

Objective: I have been doing C++ for 4 years, but the way C++ is done in my job is not up to the standards that I want to reach to do a Quant Dev role. Have heard good thing about the course an want to take this course to level up the skill.

Programming Experience: C++ and Python.

Current Status: Software Engineer at a big tech company.

Intended pace: ASAP.
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I enjoyed C++ Programming for Financial Engineering but I need to learn a lot more.

Objective: Learn more about C++ and also publish an open source library. Eventually apply to Master's program.
Programming Experience: Decent amount
Current Status: Software Developer in a company. Founding member in a FinTech start up.
Intended pace: Within the time period while focusing on consistency.
Hi, I am Eeshaan Asodekar. I enjoyed my financial computing (C++) course at NYU and wanted to deepen my knowledge of C++.

Objective: Study C++ at a more advanced level, to improve my skill set and profile for quant dev roles
Programming Experience: C++, Python, Java
Current School: NYU Tandon MFE 2023-25
Intended Pace: I hope to complete this course during the winter break
Hello all, my name is Jordan. I'm a professional software engineer with main expertise in data engineering, experience in AI/ML specifcally applied to NLP, now pivoting to finance. I'm a fan of Dr. Duffy and his contributions at the interface of mathemtics, software and finance.

Objective: Certificate in C++ and also to build a network

Programming Experience: Python, Java, C++

Current Status: Software engineer in Credit Risk systems

Intended pace: Within the alloted time.
Hi, My name is Jogendra Singh. I work as Lead Engineer in one of the most innovated travel technology company in Texas. I was looking for a C++ advanced course specially designed for finance industry. I want to work in financial industry, I attended 1-2 interview and realized that I need serious preparation specially in low latency and high frequency systems. During my research I found about this QuantNet online course which fits well in my requirement. I am also very impressed by Dr. Duffy, I followed him on LinkedIn.

Objective: improving my C++ skill, learn more about concurrency, templates meta programming and modern C++ design specially used in developing low latency/ HFT systems.

Programming experience: C++, Java, python(beginner)

Intended Pace: I am targeting to get certified by July/2024
Hello everyone! My name is Pierre-Yves. I have already completed the first C++ course from QuantNet and I am now going with the advanced stuff.

Objective: Improve

Programming Experience: R, C++

Current Status: Incoming MSFM Student @ UChicago

Intended pace: As fast as possible