Banning Russian probability

I hear that the University of Milan has just banned the teaching of Dostoevsky. We all have to pitch in at this time of crisis so how far can we go in quant finance if throw out the contribution of Kolmogorov (i.e., all measure-theoretic probability)? Will we be roughly at the level of Feller?
I hope they don't ban (Soviet) splitting methods

It took the West almost 70 years to discover them!
I hope they don't ban (Soviet) splitting methods

It took the West almost 70 years to discover them!
Comrade, we all have to make sacrifices in this time of crisis. If Russian vodka is being poured down gutters and the Russians are being banned from the Eurovision song contest, it is not too much to eschew splitting methods (whatever they are).
Comrade, we all have to make sacrifices in this time of crisis. If Russian vodka is being poured down gutters and the Russians are being banned from the Eurovision song contest, it is not too much to eschew splitting methods (whatever they are).
What's the party line these days, товарищ?
Should I stop Russian Sambo?
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What's the party line these days, товарищ?
Should I stop Russian Sambo?

All I know is the party line is become more draconian by the day. So you want to protect yourself by going two steps beyond today's party line. This is even worse than French wine being poured down the gutter and french fries becoming freedom fries in 2003. Just look at this, for example, to understand this goes beyond a joke on my part:

yes, it's ridiculous targering Russiian people. It's oligarch$ they should be targetting..
It's a blunt instrument. Many Ukranians work in Russian institutions And Russian is their first language.

BTW who is that dude Rui Fausto?? He has 1 connection on LinkedIn.
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Rui Fausto is Full Professor of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Coimbra and is the coordinator of the Laboratory for Molecular Cryospectroscopy and Biospectroscopy of the Coimbra Chemistry Centre of the Department of Chemistry, University of Coimbra, which he created in 1994 with support from the UE (PRAXIS XXI Program). He is member of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, Chief-Editor of the Journal of Molecular Structure (Elsevier), integrates the Editorial Boards of other 5 international scientific journals, and is President of the EUCMOS Permanent Steering Committee. Along his career, Rui Fausto has occupied many different positions in the administration and scientific management in the University of Coimbra, including the presidency of the Academic Council and the Vice-presidency of the Scientific and Directive boards of FCTUC, the presidency of the Chemistry Department, and the presidency of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research of the University of Coimbra (an association of 40 research centres of the University of Coimbra recognized by the Portuguese Science Foundation, which integrates ca. 1600 investigators). He is the Director of the Coimbra Chemistry Research Centre of the University of Coimbra. In 2002 he received the Royal Society of Chemistry Journals Grant for International Authors Prize, and in 2004 and 2005 he was one of the ca. 70 Portuguese scientists awarded with the Excellence Prize of the Portuguese Science Foundation / Portuguese Ministry of Science (1 of the 12 chemists in the country awarded with this prize). Rui Fausto is author or editor of more than twenty scientific books, from general Science to the general public to specialized chemistry, author of more than 400 scientific papers in high impact factor chemistry journals and of two patents. His work has received ca. 10000 citations and some of his books are currently used as manuals in university courses both in Portugal and abroad. Rui Fausto has taken part in the organization of about 40 international scientific meetings (having acted as Director of two NATO-Advanced Study Institutes) and supervised over 40 Ph.Ds or post-doctoral researchers and over 50 young M.Sc. and Graduation students. Since 1994 he has been involved in more than 35 funded research projects (leading more than half of these), which correspond to a total funding of more than 2.000.000 Euros. Rui Fausto is member of the Honor Committee of the Portugal-Latvia Association, of the American Chemical Society, IUPAC, European Molecular Liquids Group and European Photochemistry Association. He is fluent in English and has good knowledge of French and Spanish and basic Italian and Turkish.
Rui Fausto's research group includes nowadays ca. 20 scientists from several nationalities. His actual main interests range from spectroscopy to photochemistry, materials sciences, chemometrics and theoretical chemistry.

Coincidentally, I was working last week with Russian/Ukrainian maths/scientists and entrepreneurs in Aveiro, Portugal and their PhD students who need as much outside stimuli as they can get. Cutting off knowledge sources is not the way.
We also visited Coimbra as a day tourist.

I find Fausto's ban quite churlish.
I wonder what his views on the bombing of Aleppo or Gaza..
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More from Ugo Bardi:

Dutch Universities are being forbidden from collaborating with Russian Universities. The message below is from the University of Utrecht, NL.
Research cooperation suspended and student exchange discontinued

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has called on educational institutions to immediately suspend cooperation with educational and knowledge institutions in the Russian Federation and Belarus. Dutch educational institutions have decided to do this in order to contribute to a crystal clear international signal that the Russian invasion and the suffering it entails is unacceptable.

This means that no more knowledge, data or currency may be exchanged with knowledge institutions in Russia and Belarus. Cooperation agreements in the field of research and education with Russia and Belarus are suspended. Activities under the cooperation agreements will stop until further notice. Information on what this means exactly will follow. For the time being, students cannot go on exchange to Russian and Belarusian universities. Read what consequences this has for, for example, joint (scientific) events and cooperation projects, in this press release from Universities of the Netherlands. Russian and Belarusian students and staff who are currently in the Netherlands can stay here.
More from Ugo Bardi:
This is really bad. Picking on the small guys.

Here is the real story from Amsterdam. Home of the компания по производству почтовых ящиков.

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That is so ridiculous, you westerners always say that politics should be independent from all other areas. As a Chinese who receives formal education and builds my values in the US, I used to believe you were really pursing freedom and democracy. But all I see in this tragic incident is the hypocrisy of your politicians and how they seek for self-interests. So disappointed.
View attachment 43219
That is so ridiculous, you westerners always say that politics should be independent from all other areas. As a Chinese who receives formal education and builds my values in the US, I used to believe you were really pursing freedom and democracy. But all I see in this tragic incident is the hypocrisy of your politicians and how they seek for self-interests. So disappointed.

No, nobody always says that. International politics is by its very definition related to all other areas and not something that you can just deal with in a vacuum.

There are discussions from time to time about whether sports and politics should be kept separate, but that is a enormous stretch from saying everything should be kept separate from politics.
View attachment 43219
That is so ridiculous, you westerners always say that politics should be independent from all other areas. As a Chinese who receives formal education and builds my values in the US, I used to believe you were really pursing freedom and democracy. But all I see in this tragic incident is the hypocrisy of your politicians and how they seek for self-interests. So disappointed.
Politics have no relation to morals.
Niccolo Machiavelli
I was on the judo mat yesterday and I suddenly realised that the tatami's colours were those of the Ukrainian flag.

View attachment 43219
That is so ridiculous, you westerners always say that politics should be independent from all other areas. As a Chinese who receives formal education and builds my values in the US, I used to believe you were really pursing freedom and democracy. But all I see in this tragic incident is the hypocrisy of your politicians and how they seek for self-interests. So disappointed.
As an American I don’t even understand why we’re involved in the conflict at all. Just adding more fuel to the fire. Coursera banning the class does absolutely nothing other then harm the students trying to learn new things.