Banning Russian probability

CNN frankly is biased, I rather watch FOX

With regard to the invasion, both are on the same page. The exception is Tucker Carlson on Fox. I've never seen this level of concerted propaganda and shutting down or censoring of alt news to this extent. It's approaching the level of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

With regard to war crimes, this is another one to savor. Previous US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan are brushed under the rug. It's analogous to the Nuremberg Trials, where only the Germans and the odd Japanese were tried -- but never Americans or Brits.

A recent startling revelation was the admission by Victoria Nuland -- an inadvertent gaffe really -- that the US has been operating biowarfare labs in Ukraine. Expect a deafening silence from the Western media on this. Oh, and link:

Ukraine cannot claim the total innocence that westerners are happily granting them.

The coverage in Western mass media is deliberately stripping the issue of all historical context. The mass media story in essence is that one fine day the evil and vile Putin, who is also stark raving mad and the reincarnation of Hitler, decided to invade innocent and virginal Ukraine. There the brave Zelensky and the Azov Battalion (which cannot possibly be Nazi since Zelensky is Jewish) are putting up a valiant fight and the Russians are losing. The Russians are also committing atrocious war crimes. There, that's the gist of the Western mass media story.
With regard to the invasion, both are on the same page. The exception is Tucker Carlson on Fox. I've never seen this level of concerted propaganda and shutting down or censoring of alt news to this extent. It's approaching the level of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

With regard to war crimes, this is another one to savor. Previous US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan are brushed under the rug. It's analogous to the Nuremberg Trials, where only the Germans and the odd Japanese were tried -- but never Americans or Brits.

A recent startling revelation was the admission by Victoria Nuland -- an inadvertent gaffe really -- that the US has been operating biowarfare labs in Ukraine. Expect a deafening silence from the Western media on this. Oh, and link:

With regard to the invasion, both are on the same page. The exception is Tucker Carlson on Fox.
The exception proves the rule?


And Carlson advises snake oil

With regard to the invasion, both are on the same page. The exception is Tucker Carlson on Fox.
The exception proves the rule?

I think you are misinterpreting. The point was that for once all Western mainstream media platforms have aligned narratives, with the exception of Tucker Carlson who must be taking a different side.

I’m not sure what the need for being hostile is. You’re acting as if your information set has zero probability of having any fake news embedded in it. Come on, enough with the playground antics.
I think you are misinterpreting. The point was that for once all western mainstream media platforms have aligned narratives, with the exception of Tucker Carlson who must be taking a different side.

I’m not sure what the need for being hostile is. You’re acting as if your information set has zero probability of having any fake news embedded in it. Come on, enough with the playground antics.

Hostile? No.
That's your interpretation of my words.
Carlson is talking horse manure. He's full of it. :mad:

Try Aljazeera if you can receive it.
I watched Russia-2 a few weeks ago in Portugal and no mention of war.
BTW don't use "War" because they will send you to the gulag for 15 years!
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I think you are misinterpreting. The point was that for once all Western mainstream media platforms have aligned narratives, with the exception of Tucker Carlson who must be taking a different side.

I’m not sure what the need for being hostile is. You’re acting as if your information set has zero probability of having any fake news embedded in it. Come on, enough with the playground antics.
Lmaoo no arguing with close minded people.
Practice. Harder.

The cluster bombing of hospitals and civilians, what's you take??
Obviously, cluster bombing of hospitals and civilians is deplorable. But, as is being alluded to above, Western media are portraying this as unprovoked and are deliberately providing no context. There is zero mention of Ukraine having engaged in equally diabolical actions against Russians.

Equally important is the probability you assign to Russia actually being the one carrying out these attacks on Ukrainian civilians. I don’t have conclusive evidence regarding the details of what is going on—none of us do—I can only form my own probabilistic beliefs and be open minded enough to update my probabilities accordingly.

I don’t think anyone here is for what is taking place, and to mischaracterize anyone’s view as such is disingenuous at best.
There is zero mention of Ukraine having engaged in equally diabolical actions against Russians.
For the last 8 years by the Azov Battalion against ethnic Russians in the Donbass region and the Ukrainian government not doing anything with regard to the Minsk Accords, aided in this truculence by a nod and wink from the USA and NATO. With the USA wanting to incorporate Ukraine (and Georgia) into NATO and with the USA having unilaterally shredded most of the arms control agreements it signed with the Soviet Union. That's context. Nary a mention of any of this. Just remember the fear and anxiety that was provoked in the USA when the Soviet Union started to install missiles in Cuba 60 years ago.

Obviously, cluster bombing of hospitals and civilians is deplorable. But, as is being alluded to above, Western media are portraying this as unprovoked and are deliberately providing no context. There is zero mention of Ukraine having engaged in equally diabolical actions against Russians.

Equally important is the probability you assign to Russia actually being the one carrying out these attacks on Ukrainian civilians. I don’t have conclusive evidence regarding the details of what is going on—none of us do—I can only form my own probabilistic beliefs and be open minded enough to update my probabilities accordingly.

I don’t think anyone here is for what is taking place, and to mischaracterize anyone’s view as such is disingenuous at best.
probabilistic beliefs, right, must remember that one..
Roskomnadzor has ordered media across the country to only publish information provided by official sources. It also forbids describing the unprovoked actions as an invasion or a war, instead insisting they are called "special military operations."

I was once at a finance conference is Lisbon in 2015 to give a speech in a room of 500 academics. 30 seconds before I started a famous Soviet stochastic scientist asked

- what dou tgink ov Putin (room goes silent)?

- me: propaganda. enough of this banter (not batting an eyelid)

and that was 2015. Quite prescient.

Like Putin, judokas can't be ruffled. Ask a question, get an answer. To understand Putin, you need to understand judo. Dont be 1 step behind.

It turns out my work on Soviet Science at the conference. Just received authors' copy of book today.

Dav strechi, tovarischi!
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For the last 8 years by the Azov Battalion against ethnic Russians in the Donbass region and the Ukrainian government not doing anything with regard to the Minsk Accords, aided in this truculence by a nod and wink from the USA and NATO. With the USA wanting to incorporate Ukraine (and Georgia) into NATO and with the USA having unilaterally shredded most of the arms control agreements it signed with the Soviet Union. That's context. Nary a mention of any of this. Just remember the fear and anxiety that was provoked in the USA when the Soviet Union started to install missiles in Cuba 60 years ago.

View attachment 43287
"Medieaval warfare with modern weapons"
Judo for oligarchs

Another instructor at the same club, a former Olympian, used to say, ‘First of all you must destroy their grip, then their rhythm, their balance, their morale, their will and their technique’.
He saw competition as a sort of unpleasant converse of St Francis of Assisi’s famous prayer, ‘Where there is harmony, may we bring discord, where there is hope may we bring despair.’

No wonder Russians who don't want any part of the invasion or the trouble it's creating inside Russian towns and cities are desperate to get out of the country - and make a living for themselves outside.
