Banning Russian probability

Obviously, cluster bombing of hospitals and civilians is deplorable. But, as is being alluded to above, Western media are portraying this as unprovoked and are deliberately providing no context. There is zero mention of Ukraine having engaged in equally diabolical actions against Russians.

Equally important is the probability you assign to Russia actually being the one carrying out these attacks on Ukrainian civilians. I don’t have conclusive evidence regarding the details of what is going on—none of us do—I can only form my own probabilistic beliefs and be open minded enough to update my probabilities accordingly.

I don’t think anyone here is for what is taking place, and to mischaracterize anyone’s view as such is disingenuous at best.
They can't beat Ukrainian soldieers, so they bomb civilians and nuclear reactors.
You don't need to masticate or phiosophize on the context, it's standard documented technique down the years, and even worse.
If you don't know, please do some background research.
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Here's an example; Bomb a maternity hospital
Are you beginning to get the idea?

"We don't understand how it's possible in modern life to bomb a children's hospital. People cannot believe that it's true," Mariupol Deputy Mayor Serhiy Orlov told the BBC.

Here's an example; Bomb a maternity hospital
Are you beginning to get the idea?

"We don't understand how it's possible in modern life to bomb a children's hospital. People cannot believe that it's true," Mariupol Deputy Mayor Serhiy Orlov told the BBC.

They can't beat Ukrainian soldieers, so they bomb civilians and nuclear reactors.
You don't need to masticate or phiosophize on the context, it's standard documented technique down the years, and even worse.
If you don't know, please do some background research.
I understand. I read WSJ daily. My and others point is that the news surrounding the events are lacking context. I have no words for the incident which occurred today.
Republicans for Putin!
Really? Then you delete the post, lol. Posting to simply get a reaction out of people—playground antics strike again!
You were a bit too fast on the draw. No, don't try to patronise me
Actually, I tried to post a video of a QAnon wingnut who trusts Putin more than Biden,

Now, Oui-Gon, QN disallowed the video, so I gave up.

OK, it's on LI check it out

Oh.My.God!!! Here is a rightwing, republican nominee for Senate who is supporting Putin over Biden because of his "Christian nationalism," as she imagines a "Luciferian (global) regime" that needs to be fought against.... where "illegal immigrants" are evil criminals who need to be escorted out of countries by armed guards.

Republicans for Putin!
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Another good one from Tucker Carlson, this one on the US-funded (and probably operated) biolabs in Ukraine, which the Z man was talking about.

Okay, now about that 'hospital' in Mariupol, the information now trickling through indicates Azov people were on the rooftop with heavy weaponry and furthermore the 'hospital' had been an Azov barracks for a couple of years. Plus some crisis actors were employed (and have now been identified). As on numerous previous occasions with other fabricated stories, Western media ran with the story. Eventually it will be revealed that the story of civilian casualties was fake -- but buried in page 17. Just about all the reporting in Western media is utter and unadulterated garbage.

Okay, now about that 'hospital' in Mariupol, the information now trickling through indicates Azov people were on the rooftop with heavy weaponry and furthermore the 'hospital' had been an Azov barracks for a couple of years. Plus some crisis actors were employed (and have now been identified). As on numerous previous occasions with other fabricated stories, Western media ran with the story. Eventually it will be revealed that the story of civilian casualties was fake -- but buried in page 17. Just about all the reporting in Western media is utter and unadulterated garbage.

View attachment 43306
When the War Crimes Tribunal starts in the Hague this event will be seen as a war crime.

Wait a few days before they start using chemcal weapons as they did in Syriia. You will get another chance to claim it is "Western media is utter and unadulterated garbage."

BTW as soon as I see adjectives like "unadulterated" then it is a sure sign it is phoney. That's the way Boris Johnson writes, for example.

If you don the mathematician hat, more proof is needed.
Bringing FAKE NEWS to the next level

It follows the signing into law by Russia of an amendment to its criminal code, just a week ago (Friday 4 March), which makes the spread of "fake" information an offence punishable with a jail term of up to 15 years. Fines can also be imposed on anyone calling for sanctions against Russia following the invasion of Ukraine.

Shortly after this new law was implemented, Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait wrote in a message to his staff: "The change to the criminal code, which seems designed to turn any independent reporter into a criminal purely by association, makes it impossible to continue any semblance of normal journalism inside the country…We will not do that to our reporters."

COMPUTE Probability {Kremlin News is the pravda} ... using a Bayesian approach.
Or a kernel-based classifier .. it shoudn't be too difficult to find training data.
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Brooks, for chrissake. An establishment stooge if ever there was one. And the NYT (and WashPo) are establishment organs just like Pravda was in the USSR. The West is fighting this as a propaganda was -- partly because it can't fight this as a real one (it will be obliterated if it tries). And partly as a manifestation of impotent fury. I've never seen anything like this -- not in 2001, not in 2003.
Good insights from Pepe Escobar.

The key fact is that Russia, China, and for that matter the entire Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) – responsible for at least 30% of global GDP and the bulk of the Eurasian market – don’t need the West at all.

As Peter Koenig, a former senior economist at the World Bank points out, “Western GDP has a different basis, with blown out of proportion services, whereas the GDP of the SCO and the Global South is production-based. A huge difference when one looks at the backing of currencies: in the West there is literally none. Eastern currencies are mostly backed by national economies, especially in China and soon in Russia too. That leads to self-sufficiency, and no longer reliance on the West.”

In the larger geopolitical spectrum, the non-stop war of attrition by the Empire against Russia with Ukraine as a pawn is a war against the New Silk Roads; Maidan in 2014 took place only a few months after the launching of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), then OBOR (One Belt, One Road) in Kazakhstan and Indonesia. It’s also a war on the Russian concept of Greater Eurasia Partnership. In sum: it’s an all-out war on Eurasia integration.
