Banning Russian probability

As an American I don’t even understand why we’re involved in the conflict at all. Just adding more fuel to the fire. Coursera banning the class does absolutely nothing other then harm the students trying to learn new things.
Read some history instead of piddly self-interest.
Read some history instead of piddly self-interest.
I believe in what George Washington said when he warned against political parties and foreign interest. If you wanna get into it we know many people in our government have self interest in Ukraine as well. I’m against violence on innocent people of course, but you to should start looking into the ‘history’.
I believe in what George Washington said when he warned against political parties and foreign interest. If you wanna get into it we know many people in our government have self interest in Ukraine as well. I’m against violence on innocent people of course, but you to should start looking into the ‘history’.
Oh dear. Washington was wrong.
It's the 21st century, not the 18th century. FYI, I am well-versed in history . I'm a grown-up ;)

Rumour has it Putin has bombed 80 hospitals in the last week.
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Oh dear. Washington was wrong.
It's the 21st century, not the 18th century. FYI, I am well-versed in history . I'm a grown-up ;)

Rumour has it Putin has bombed 80 hospitals in the last week.
Rumors??? There’s always
Oh dear. Washington was wrong.
It's the 21st century, not the 18th century. FYI, I am well-versed in history . I'm a grown-up ;)

Rumour has it Putin has bombed 80 hospitals in the last week.
Oh dear. Washington was wrong.
It's the 21st century, not the 18th century. FYI, I am well-versed in history . I'm a grown-up ;)

Rumour has it Putin has bombed 80 hospitals in the last week.
Lmaoo Washington was wrong. Egotistical at best Daniel. Anyway not here to argue like you are. Just sharing my thoughts.
As an American I don’t even understand why we’re involved in the conflict at all. Just adding more fuel to the fire. Coursera banning the class does absolutely nothing other then harm the students trying to learn new things.

More than one reason. One is the bribe money -- Hunter Biden's directorship in an Ukrainian company is just the tip of the iceberg. But beyond personal considerations is the geopolitical one of remaining the hegemon, with the USD as global reserve. A few good essays to point to. One is by Nick Griffin:

Then three recent essays by Michael Hudson:

It seems that one imperative of US policymakers is to thwart Eurasian integration. But they seem to be scoring an own goal. The Russia + China bloc cannot be defeated by the USA and its vassals (such as Britain). Some of the vassals are visibly unhappy -- such as France and Germany, that desperately need Russian oil and natural gas. The only advice from the Americans is to buy oil from Iran. The Americans have even sent a delegation to Venezuela. Talk about abject lack of principle.

On the military front, USA cannot defeat Russia. If it could, it would already have done so under some pretext. Take a glance at Martyanov's "Losing Military Supremacy" for more details of how the USA lags behind Russia.

USA's actions are accelerating its demise as an imperial power.

Of what relevance is this to quants? Without the USD as global reserve, the NYC-based financial industry will promptly fold. The finance industry is a handmaiden of USA's imperial might.

Lastly, take a look at these five pieces published by the Archdruid a decade back. They're to be savored. And perhaps they're prescient:

The Ukraine crisis is sad and something US foreign policy makers should've stayed away. It was always about suppressing and weakening Russia and I can't believe the administration says it has nothing to do with NATO.
The US and NATO will not do anything besides stand by and send guns because they have nothing much to win by going to war, while Ukraine is getting bombed. Most likely, Russia will take over Ukraine and the west will hold sanctions against Russia for as long as possible to create internal instability. Putin knows this and is trying to finish the invasion as fast as possible.
All of this for US to create more tension in Russia, in hopes of overthrowing Putin. Ukrainians are the real losers because they are caught in the middle of this dirty never-ending cold war BS.

I have no idea what this thread is actually about, but just needed to say this.
And a good one from Pepe Escobar today. Europe is going down the toilet, with the USA some distance behind.

You seem to be wallowing in this. From Wiki, UNZ posts racist and anti-semitic contentt.

My judo teachr Wim Rusksa won 2 gold medals (heavyweight, open) at the Munich Olynpics. In the open, he lost an early round but came back in the final yo win gols against Kuznetzov He used to tell us how he beat EE and Japanese judokas.
Of course, Vlad was once liightweight champion of St. Petersberg.


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This beggars belief: Saudi and UAE refuse to take Biden's phone call. Reported in the WSJ. Biden is desperate for oil.
You seem to be wallowing in this. From Wiki, UNZ posts racist and anti-semitic contentt.
Who is to say this classfication is the correct one? There certainly seems to be misinformation on both sides. To take all statements on one side as fact and all statements on the other as "fake news" surely is foolish.

Why reduce this thread to playground insults? Lack of willingness to engage in civil discussion is what makes journalists' jobs so easy.
Who is to say this classfication is the correct one? There certainly seems to be misinformation on both sides. To take all statements on one side as fact and all statements on the other as "fake news" surely is foolish.

Why reduce this thread to playground insults? Lack of willingness to engage in civil discussion is what makes journalists' jobs so easy.

At some stage you have to take sides. Racist and anti-semitic UNZ is not one of my sources.
Its not a popularity contest!

At some stage the bombing of 80 Ukranian hospitals will be officoally registered as genocide and a war crime.
At some stage you have to take sides. Racist and anti-semitic UNZ is not one of my sources.
Its not a popularity contest!

At some stage the bombing of 80 Ukranian hospitals will be officoally registered as genocide and a war crime.
I disagree that things are so black and white. And it not being a popularity contest does not preclude being able to have a civil discussion.

What then is to be said of Azov's actions in Donbas? One thing is for certain, Ukraine cannot claim the total innocence that westerners are happily granting them.

I personally hate not knowing what subsets of each information set I can believe, but to have total faith in what you believe is risky, and even more so to write others' information sets off as "racist" and "anti-semitic" because of a 3rd party classification.
I didn't know who UNZ was until BBW posted today

and I don't want to know.

I tend to watch BBC, Aljazeera, Sky News from reporter on the ground.