It's been my pleasure studying this course and having such an outstanding and excellent faculty to help me over in difficult times and rainy days. Special thanks to my TA
@APalley , the instructor
@Daniel Duffy and the administrator
@Andy Nguyen for their valuable assistance, as well as my fellow students and alumi (
@Justine Morgan ) who helped me go through the course with their guidance in the forum. Cheers to all of you!
It took me 66 days to go through the material, complete the exercises and make it to the final exam. Today, I received a
C++ certificate with Distinction with weighted average of
90.2%. My experience was pleasant and quite interesting, full of necessary challenges that made me learn how to code and understand all the concepts of computational finance using the powerful tool of
My background: I hold a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from University of Macedonia in Greece, and a Certificate on Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Business Development from Linnaeus University in Sweden. I have a 3-year experience in business consulting, direct sales and networking, I am an author of a novel and I served for 9 months in Greek Special Forces as an Air-Mobile Marine. My specialties are sales training, development plans among small/medium companies, monopoly strategies and supply chain empowerment.
Recently I decided to persue FE studies and
C++ Online Certificate was my first step, a choice I literally made in a few hours, the moment I learned of its importance in the MFE programs and the financial industry. Absolutely worth it. Extremely organized, helpful and efficient. It took me approximately 2 months to complete it with 4-5 hours, on average, daily studying. Though, my dedication wasn't exclusively in the course, but also on personal research on
C++ and programming generally. It helped me understand the concepts better as I had a little programming experience before.
Thanks again to everyone who made it happen! Great job and keep it up!

I will definately stick around for a while! Once you get hooked, it's hard to let go