C++ Online Programming Course Testimonials

Just started the course but it took a year to decide if this was the best route to take given the price. I'm an active value investor and when I find a bargain opportunity, I dump a boatload of capital with the expectation of high ROI. I took the same approach when deciding to learning C++ here. Do your homework and evaluate the program relative to what's out there.
This course is a real bargain:)
I am planning to take this course, but haven't decide yet. Can you tell me how this course is graded? How much percent in full score are homework and final exam account for?

I am planning to take this course, but haven't decide yet. Can you tell me how this course is graded? How much percent in full score are homework and final exam account for?

You will find every answer here:

Grading policy:

Also, see this thread for further discussions on the course:

If you have questions, let us know :)
This program provides students with a very solid foundation to become a professional programmer in future. Students are exposed to a range of programming concepts in a theoretical and practical manner which leaves them with the ability to not only grasp C++ concepts, but also easily understand and adopt concepts in other programming languages. Once completed, this course gives you the ability to research and build your own personal C++ applications to further enhance your skills. The TA's are very helpful and also respond to questions in a timely and comprehensive manner. All in all I am very glad i committed to this course and would recommend it to any beginners in C++ or programming in general.

I am thinking over it for some time. The only deterrent is it is too pricey , particularly for beginners or students who would like to learn the skills , keep aside the working professionals . So I think differential pricing should be an optimal strategy . ;)
I am thinking over it for some time. The only deterrent is it is too pricey , particularly for beginners or students who would like to learn the skills , keep aside the working professionals . So I think differential pricing should be an optimal strategy . ;)
It can seem quite pricey depending on your reasons for doing the course and your career. But for me, i saw it as a long term investment with a positive expected return ;)
It is a worthwhile investment!

For sure, you can self-study and reinforce your C++ skills at your own pace.

With the intellectually stimulating forums and interaction with my TA @APalley and @Daniel Duffy as well as the people who are concurrently learning in the program, you are not a lone
wolf solving a C++ problem.

You may be stuck for hours but at least, there is some support that would stay you afloat
throughtout the entire program.

The course will reinforce your skill to become an intermediate C++ programmer.

I myself took a C++ course in Grad School but the rigor of the assignments and quizzes sets the bar for those who are serious enough to break into the Quant Finance Industry.

Although the exercises are a 'toy' problems creating classes fro points, shapes, etc. but nevertheless the nuts and bolts of essentials skills of a serious programmer remain.

Overall, this training in Quantnet is second to none.
Hi Everyone,

Just finished the course today had my final exam in the morning. I must say I really enjoyed the course and this has to be one of the good investments I have made. I had previously tried to learn C++ online (as you know there are tons of matter online), but could never really get the full grasp of the language. So coming in as a beginner, in 3 month doing it part time I am successfully able to transition into an intermediate level C++ programmer. The course is designed beautifully with lot of emphasis given to a practical approach learning, all concepts are wonderfully explained by @Daniel Duffy . The assignments and exercises are quite challenging and test all that is discussed in the lectures. Forums discussions are an added plus to this course, and help you if at all you are stuck(don't worry you will).I would like to thank @APalley my TA for his constant support and providing answers to all my questions in time. I was also saved endless hours due to answers provided in the forum by @Pavlos Sakoglou and @Daniel Duffy .In short it is a very intense program that will help you master all relevant concepts in C++ in the shortest time possible.
I would recommend this course to anyone looking to build or learn from scratch C++ for use in the field of quantitative finance.
I just finished my C++ course. It is a rather good course. The C++ concepts and OOP thinking is comprehensive and clear. It is easier for beginners to understand. Its homework and quiz is well-designed and is helpful for you to master and review C++ concepts. TA is very professional and patientance. He has rich knowledge and can help you understand C++ characteristic. His comments of homework is very important. From this you can find and correct your mistakes.
Hello, Everyone.;)
I just finished my final test. It is a valuable experience to learn C++ hear. The course arrangement is very reasonable. Professor @Daniel Duffy is very wise, and his courses is great for me as a beginner. My TA, @APalley is very patient and kindness. His comments offer me a lot of help. I can not finish this course so fast, if without his help. Also thanks for the constant support from @Pavlos Sakoglou. This is one of my worthwhile investments. Thanks for all of you~
Hi everyone,

nine weeks ago, I am a novice in C++ and know little about OO programming. After attending this course, I found myself familiar with the necessary skills and basic insight about C++ application in financial engineering. It is absolutely helpful if you want to become a quant without former C++ experience. Besides, The TAs are very responsible and reply every questions you have during the learning process which guarantee your learning effect. At last, you can access the forum whenever you want, which is a good reference when you are puzzled with C++
I would recommend anyone interested in learning C++ to take this course.

The course builds up the essential programming knowledge step by step. The lecture by Dr. Daniel Duffy is well-organized and interesting. Every important concept is explained thoroughly and great sample code is provided to help students better understand the materials. Well-designed exercises convey imperative concepts as a supplement to the lecture. My tutor Avi Palley always provided helpful and prompt assistance and was always patient with all my questions. I'm excited that I have learned how to implement Monte Carlo simulation and finite difference method in C++. So glad I took this course:)
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Personally, I found course structure and content focus on deep understanding of the basics of C++ programming in real world applications, thanks to @Daniel Duffy. I was suprised with the detail of feedback provided by my TA(@APalley) on the assignments. Even though good content maybe found in books for self study, the assignments and feedback would be the most important reason i would recomend this to someone else. I also dont believe this course is for everyone, one should have a certain amount of aplitude and interest in programming to be able to finish it. I have about 2 years of programming experience in Excel-VBA/SAS(without a computer science background) and i consider myself to be a good programmer in my field. And I found the course to be doable but definetely not easy. At my stage it was big value add. It was initially a tough decision to enroll due to the cost (being from a low income country, otherwise it is priced very competitively), but i am sure ill be able to reap the returns even if I dont end up pursuing a MFE or even end up programming in C++.
APalley is a very helpful and cheerful TA who helps me a lot!
Also,thanks for Daniel's teaching!
I think the course will prepare us well for some programs with an requirement of C++ skills and we have to work very very hard to finish the course.
I hope those who want to study the course can leave enough time to finish the HWs,they really cost a lot of time if you are not very proficient.
I finished the course yesterday and I would definitely recommend it anyone, who would like to learn basics and more advanced topics of C++ programming.

The course is really worth the price and provides students with a lot of knowledge and skills. After the course participants are familiar with the theory, but above all practical applications of C++ syntax, procedural, object oriented and generic programming, and basics of STL and Boost libraries. What is more, on level 9, we worked with the programs for financial engineering, what enabled us to gain experience from some methods used in the industry.

I would like to write thank you to @APalley and @Pavlos Sakoglou for help that they provided and their patience. They are great tutors/teachers and students gain a lot from their advices and remarks. Materials and lectures from Professor @Daniel Duffy , to whom I would like thank as well, are very valuable. Professor @Daniel Duffy also provides help on the forum, and post some very interesting facts and information, which gives a lot of added value to this course.

C++ for Financial Engineering Online Course is so good, because of the forum, which is a mine of information, excellent exercises and meritorious materials from Datasim.

I talked with my friends, who study Computer Science at universities and they really praised the structure of the course and what I learned here. Obviously at the university students learn a wide range of subjects, but regarding only C++, they told that after the course I know as much as them after obtaining a bachelor’s degree.

If I had to describe the course with one word, it would be: EXCELLENT.