C++ Online Programming Course Testimonials


Quick question.
Would you say that it is possible to study for the certificate in C++ even though I had only little exposure to programming before (understand an online Python class on EDX)?
I have 3 full months to dedicate myself to that. No work, no vacation, no CFA or exams to pass...
Please let me know if there is any pre-requisite.
Also, I need to learn Matlab. Any idea of how to get access to it without buying a license?
Thank you very much for your help and advice.

Quick question.
Would you say that it is possible to study for the certificate in C++ even though I had only little exposure to programming before (understand an online Python class on EDX)?
I have 3 full months to dedicate myself to that. No work, no vacation, no CFA or exams to pass...
Please let me know if there is any pre-requisite.

There are people who completed the course with even less exposure to programming than you. It is manageable to finish the course in 3 months, and if you dedicate yourself fully to it, I think that it is very probable that you would complete it even in less time. Obviously, the amount of time the course will take you will depend on your talent and how detail-orientated you will be. I was not in hurry to complete the course and from the perspective of time I think I made a good decision. I was able to learn more than when I would be doing everything asap. However, I understand that each person can have a different style of studying, so it is the best to find your own style and do what is the most appropriate for you.

I do not think there are specific pre-requisites... Maybe someone else will have a different opinion. However, for sure the course teaches you everything from the beginning, so if you work hard, do things which you are ordered to do in the tasks, learn on your own mistakes, complete tasks accurately and do not give up while having problems, but use the course materials, forum, external resources (such as other forums e.g. Stack Overflow, or books like C++ Primer Plus) for solving them, then I am sure you will pass the course and gain knowledge of C++ programming that will satisfy you.
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Dear All,

I am new to the forum and I am planning to give a try on this C++ course.
I am majoring in actuarial science and I took MTH3300 at baruch, which means that I had some exposure to the C++ language.
In addition, I am taking a financial mathematics class therefore I have ideas on some of the derivatives concepts.
I plan to enroll during summer, are there any available seats open?
Dear All,

I am new to the forum and I am planning to give a try on this C++ course.
I am majoring in actuarial science and I took MTH3300 at baruch, which means that I had some exposure to the C++ language.
In addition, I am taking a financial mathematics class therefore I have ideas on some of the derivatives concepts.
I plan to enroll during summer, are there any available seats open?
This is not a fixed-size online class course. You can enroll whenever you want and have access to the material, the forum, a Teaching Assistant, etc. from the moment of your payment and on (and you have 16 weeks to complete). You also have full access to the forums and material of levels 1 and 2 before enrollment, so you can decide if this course if suitable for you :)

Find more info here:
This is a great course! I got a comprehensive instruction on C++. I learned a lot from the courses and the forum is also very useful. This course is much more difficult than the C++ course I took in college. Doing the homework is really time consuming and it make me think independently and formed a deep understanding of the C++ program design.
Doing the exercises really help, indeed. Learn by doing, and do by learning :)
Just staring at C++ code online or in a blog is fine but not sufficient.
Every time I've got confused by questions, my TA will be there. I really appreciate the hard work of my TA, and the well-designed class videos tailor-maded by Dr. Daniel Duffy.
Before I took this course, I'm totally fresh, now I can even use C++ do some MC even FDM, which I just couldn't imagine before.
Even if I got 84.69 so I didn't get the extinction mark. I feel I've made a great progress.
In my folk's words, thank you all for opening a door to a new world for me !!
Great course! Definitely a "must" if you're starting C++ or building up your skill set. The teaching material, coding examples, online forum, and TA support are excellent. The assignments give a thorough exercise of the relevant concepts and require the necessary amount of work needed to actually learn. I especially enjoyed the final section - Daniel Duffy’s examples and codebase gives a good insight into how C++ is used in Quantitative Finance.
Have to say this is a great course! Especially for the homework part, it helps me a lot understand the knowledge learned from all those videos. Besides, I have to point out that learning from a legend will be a totally different experience in any aspects, especially for developing a good programming habit. Tons of textbook for how to write down your code snippets, but few tells how NOT to program in C++.
Thanks for your excellent design of this course, Prof. Duffy.
Thanks for your generous and responsive support, Mr. APalley.
This is one of the best courses I've taken ever, in this subject or in any subject. The instructors are skillful in that they know how to give you just the right amount of inspiration, information, and guidance, so that you will grasp what is going on in a way that is meaningful for you. If they were to spoon feed you, you wouldn't be encouraged to explore. And explore you will. When you look back on where you started near the end of the course, it's hard to believe the course only happened in a few months. The videos are created in a way that avoids unnecessary fluff so that you get quickly to the essentials of what is needed for the homework, without drudgery. Daniel Duffy, Avi Palley, and Pavlos Sakoglou are friendly and patient, but they avoid coding things for you, which is good. They take suggestions and feedback about the course material, and make updates as needed. The bottom line is, you learn a lot about derivatives pricing and how to code pricing tools in a practical way. In a lot of ways, this course kind of puts some college credit courses on the same type of subjects to shame.
Hi, everyone! I’ve just finished the C++ course and I’m ready for my MFE applications. As a student majoring in finance and math, programming had been my weakness, but this course gives me a really solid training. I think the course is well-designed and the forum is also really helpful, so that I can get the certificate with distinction in two months, and at the same time doing my internship. The course shows me the basic concepts of C, big picture of OOP and GP, the basic use of STL and boost, as well as the C++’s application in finance. The lectures tell me the most important ideas and concepts, and leaves out many trivial details. I think it’s a good design because I’ve found out that as long as I know the whole picture and what’s going on, I can learn the relevant details quickly when I need them. The homework assignment is also to-the-point. It gives a thorough exercise of all the relevant concepts, but at the same time not too difficult.

And I also want to thank Mr. APalley. He graded my homework and replied to my questions very promptly.
Hey guys. As a fresh graduate from this great course, please first allow me to express my appreciation to everybody here -- Dr. Daniel for your concise but informative videos and codes, Dr. A. Palley for your patience and rigor in reviewing my homework, and all members who ever participated in any thread discussing about all those why and hows. Your efforts are being written in this forum and used to help more and more students who would like to step into this amazing field, just like me.

One last suggestion from my personal experience in this course: if you are a Mac user, try to forget about Xcodes or Sublime Text (i.e. using g++) for this course. I tried my best but eventually turned to a virtual Windows in Parallels Desktop. Just trust me. ;)
The course is really friendly to the people who don't have any programming background before, me included~ Professor Daniel Duffy, Avi Palley and Pavlos Sakoglou are very helpful all the time. Sometimes I posed some very basic and even stupid questions in the forum due to my weak programming background or poor English, but they are always there to help me very patiently and promptly, which makes me feel warm and supported. At last, I managed to build up a solid foundation in c++ step by step(y)
Again, thanks for leading me into the wonderful world of c++ programming!!
Hi, everyone! Today I am really excited to complete this course since I've already made quite a lot efforts. This is the best programming course I've ever taken and I think it enhances my C++ skills to a new high level. Many thanks to Professor Daniel Duffy for giving such excellent lectures. Also thanks to my TA APalley for your great help in my study. And this forum is extremely informative and I learn a lot from our discussions. I would like to recommend this course to any prospective student.
I really appreciate the course for me a newbie with no programming background. I hoave thought it would be a hard time but indeed it is very enjoyable with so many talented guys from the world and the most exlcellent staff Professor and TA.

The basic knowledge of C++ has made me interested in programming and I would like to polish my skill set in further study.

The boost library is unique among all the C++ course,which I think is brilliant and drove me to explore more about the useful tool. I think I now have the concept of C++ and Prof' s video are brilliant when I review. I did not get the essence at first and think it is abstract and not practical when introducing some really abstruse terms. But when I review, I found that they are actually the essece of C++ and if I want to advance, they are important concepts.
I appreciate TA, without you , I could not have finished smoothly. All students in the forum are outstanding and excellent. I really learned a lot from these days. And I think the ability to learn by oneself proactively, immersing the community debugging challenging code are good feelings.
I am so happy to finish this course! It gives me a chance to learn C++ and OOP comprehensively and systematically, but I know I still have a long way to go to be proficient with C++ in computational finance. Finally, I will say thank you for my TA Mr. @APalley and thank you for Mr. @Pavlos Sakoglou and for Prof. @Daniel Duffy, for all your prompt help to me on the forum. Time to say goodbye, but I would like to recommend this course to my peers who are also seeking MFE degrees.
This course is excellent. I learned a lot of knowledges in c++. Every time I review the class materials, I can always find new stuffs to remember. The class is very professional and the professor and TAs are very knowledgeable and devout all their efforts in helping us. It's really good to spend months studying c++ with your amazing help @Daniel Duffy , @APalley, @Pavlos Sakoglou A GREAT COURSE WITH GREAT PEOPLE. THANK YOU!