University of California, Los Angeles - Master of Financial Engineering

UCLA MFE UCLA MFE Admission Results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kratos
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I’m round one applicant of MFE program of UCLA. I got three emails stating that my application is still under review, and they will send the decision shortly. Did anyone get this email before? Did anyone know by which day we will get the application results based on past experience?

Appreciate any response or advice!
Same here. I decided long ago that I will join another program. It seems pretty odd that UCLA MFE can still be sending out offers this late. They could've sent a waitlist, but I got nothing. Not sure why.
I think this email possibly means we are still in the waiting list. Not sure why we didn’t get rejection or other updates. Thanks for sharing this information!
Hey! I received a waitlist decision on my UCLA MFE application in the first round. Wondering what are the chances of getting admit and when?

Just wanted to ask if any round 2 applicant for the MFE program at UCLA received an interview or an update of any kind concerning the application.
Hi, I had applied for Round 2 and I received an interview invite on 10/3. No updates after that
Thanks! I submitted on the deadline day itself, i.e. 1/3. Not sure as to what their procedure is for sending invites
Typically, how long does UCLA take after submitting the interview to release a decision whether its admission or rejection?

Does anybody know? :)
Did anyone get the offer for round 2? I did the interview and still waiting. I really want to get in
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