They offered me admission on the phone right after the interview. Who did you interview with?
one prof.
They offered me admission on the phone right after the interview. Who did you interview with?
UCLA MFE places a striking 87% of its most recent graduates in LA/SF area. This reminds me about a discussion we had recently about how location plays an important role in where MFE graduates end up after school.
wow thats great to hear! as I am goin to study der :DAndy Nguyen :: this is something us Los Angeleans are used to, east coast companies would rather take NYU, Baruch, Columbia, or CMU grads over someone from the West coast ("unknown territory where the sun rots your brain")...honestly though, there are plenty of opportunities on the west coast. We're fighting mostly each other for those west coast jobs.
hey..I got in round 1 ..dont rem the dates thoughhi lin, can u please tell me when was ur interview and when did u get the final admission offer.
hey lin, have u finalized ucla2010 full-time employement stats are now available on their website
@ too waiting getting a bit anxious now.Anyone heard from UCLA for Round 3 admits ? I am still waiting , was informed that would hear in early September..