University of California, Los Angeles - Master of Financial Engineering

UCLA MFE UCLA MFE Admission Results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kratos
  • Start date Start date
Just received another email telling me that my application is complete and that they are in the process of reviewing application and sending interview invitations. They also mentioned that decisions will be released March 31st at the latest.
Just received another email telling me that my application is complete and that they are in the process of reviewing application and sending interview invitations. They also mentioned that decisions will be released March 31st at the latest.
Thanks for the info! Mind tell us when you submitted your application?
I am so sorry Terry, did they send you an email? Did you apply to other schools? Don't give up. Good luck :)
anyone heard anything back from them? Is their deadline for admission result March 31st?
Result should come no later than March 31, as their own word.
Now it is 12:10 pm California Time.
Are they going to issue at the very end of day.
We will see.
waitlist as well. I guess they send out all waitlist at last minute before the deadline.
Admitted :) Was so lucky I guess. Now I have to decide where to go, UCLA FE, UIUC FE, Cornell OR or Columbia OR? Guys, would you please share your opinion? Thanks.
Is there anyone else except me who didn't receive the decision mail?
I was interviewed on 26th.

Highly confused and nervous now.