We Need Your Help

Cool ideal We also need to think of how to call graduates of the advanced C++ course.
I'm going to throw something out here. Shifu (in Mandarin) or Sifu (Cantonese) means a skilled person or master.
Maybe we can call Cfu :)
I would say that new people to this forum would see "C++ Student" and naturally look into what on this forum is C++ related, whereas "Shifu/Sifu/Cfu" may mean something to folks with a non-english background but be absolutely useless to those of us who speak English as a primary language.
Everybody is a student lifelong, so it's not all bad.

1. Certified C++ developer (you learn a skill and how to write decent code)
2. First kyu (brown belt/judo/karate/ju-jutsu). (next black belt).
(The judo belt analogy is very accurate; you can 'map' each course level to a given colour).

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