New York University - MS in Mathematics in Finance

NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

Haha. Thanks @Lin
You just helped me getting closer to the 1,000 goal. There are many people on Quantnet who haven't added their timelines in yet so I need to go after them more forcefully :)
And to everyone else, if you see someone with an admit/reject, please help me out by reminding them to add their timelines to the Tracker.

I expect to break the millennial mark in a month or two. There are many programs that have not closed their admission cycle (UCLA MFE, Columbia MAFN, etc).

Just to give you some idea. The Tracker had only 250 apps on Jan so we added hundreds of them monthly.

If you want, I can apply to additional MFE programs to help you reach you goal.
I am particularly interested in the new master opening in Hawai.
They have a unique course on weather derivatives.
Having old data is particular helpful. I can run analysis on them and see how long it takes to get a decision this year versus 2009. I can get a better sense of the profiles getting admitted in a particular program.
We all agree that having more timelines from current applicants are always better. If the only data we have from program X is a few trackers back in 2009, it is not really useful.

@Paul Mithouard
Don't apply just because you want to help me reach 1,000. Thanks but it's not a good way to spend your time and money. And I'm sure you just kidding.
Let's help me by pursuing current and new members to put in their timelines. I know for sure that many of our members apply to 6,7 programs and many of them haven't put in. If we can ask about 20 members to add in all their timelines, we should break 1,000.

Anyone willing to bet we will beat that by the end of Jun 2011?
Having old data is particular helpful. I can run analysis on them and see how long it takes to get a decision this year versus 2009. I can get a better sense of the profiles getting admitted in a particular program.
We all agree that having more timelines from current applicants are always better. If the only data we have from program X is a few trackers back in 2009, it is not really useful.

@Paul Mithouard
Don't apply just because you want to help me reach 1,000. Thanks but it's not a good way to spend your time and money. And I'm sure you just kidding.
Let's help me by pursuing current and new members to put in their timelines. I know for sure that many of our members apply to 6,7 programs and many of them haven't put in. If we can ask about 20 members to add in all their timelines, we should break 1,000.

Anyone willing to bet we will beat that by the end of Jun 2011?

Andy, I can help you to get some steps closer.
Thank you, @mathcol
You broke the 900 mark and now we have less than 100 cases to go.
I'm moving my target date to end of May. Yippee!

By the way, I see the first Waitlist ever from NYU. This is an indication of how difficult it is for universities to estimate the yield and to manage their class size. It's actually more complicated than many people can appreciate.

If you have 1,000+ applicants, how do you get the best 30+ students to come. You sent out some admits, and try to gauge the level of excitement among them. Then you adjust your expectation and send out a new batch.

Or they can just monitor Quantnet and see for themselves ;)
I see 3 waitlist from NYU today alone from the Tracker. Looks like we will have a lot of anxious members this month.
On another note, only 90 more cases till we reach 1,000.
I see that most of NYU courses are given from 5 to 7pm ; does that mean that you're not busy during the day and have most of the courses during the afternoon-late afternoon ?
Yes @Moksha
I already changed the target date to end of May to break that. Maybe we can celebrate that by sending the owner of 1000th case a Quantnet T-shirt ;)

Now with Columbia done, I believe the bulk of new cases will come from Baruch, NYU, CMU. I'm actually surprised MIT did not generate more case considering they have close to 1000 applications this year.
Yes @Moksha
I already changed the target date to end of May to break that. Maybe we can celebrate that by sending the owner of 1000th case a Quantnet T-shirt ;)

Now with Columbia done, I believe the bulk of new cases will come from Baruch, NYU, CMU. I'm actually surprised MIT did not generate more case considering they have close to 1000 applications this year.

Hi Andy!
What do you mean when you say "now with columbia done"? are they not accepting any more applicants?
I wanted to apply to Columbia as well next week.. have they filled up the spaces?
Still pending...... I hope these universities realizes the quantum of stress they are putting in on applicants by releasing the results in batches.. ;)
it looks like NYU has taken out all admits..since waitlist is also out, is there are any chance of another round of admits, or are we waiting to get rejected??