Search results

  1. alain

    Chavez - Genius or Madman?

    Chavez is crazy.
  2. alain

    Singapore hedge fund vs Wall Street aspirations

    so, is the OP interning in some fake hedge fund in Singapore?
  3. alain

    Singapore hedge fund vs Wall Street aspirations

    I don't think this or your previous comment applies to the OP. He said he is interning at a HF so, this is the full operation.
  4. alain

    Singapore hedge fund vs Wall Street aspirations

    You have something that seems like a good job offer on one hand and the possibility of something else on the other hand. Notice the latter is just the possibility. It might work, it might not. You might end up in Wall Street, you might end up literally on the street. The second choice will be...
  5. alain

    Singapore hedge fund vs Wall Street aspirations

    take the money.
  6. alain

    European quant hedge funds

    AHL, BlueTrend
  7. alain

    Java/J2ee to Quant : How is this path? Any experiences?

    Do the MFE. It will definitely help. If you ask more specific questions I will be able to give you a better recommendation. Being a technology lead in a "top" financial company might not be desirable though. I also don't know how similar of a background we have besides that I have written a lot...
  8. alain

    High Performance Computing in Finance (not GPUs)

    It depends. The regular Amazon processing unit is not really powerful but it is really cheap. They have a version geared towards HPC that is more expensive but I haven't tried it. Here are the prices: I have never tried any of these options in a real...
  9. alain

    Artificial Intelligence Textbooks?

    That blurb does very little justice. I can't find the PBS Nova video but you should check it out. "Stanley" (the car built by the Stanford team led by Dr. Thrun) cleaned house. The design was extremely smart. Go to youtube and check Dr. Norvig's lectures. They are excellent!! and his book is...
  10. alain

    Artificial Intelligence Textbooks?

    when you become Peter Norvig or Sebastian Thrun, come talk to me. Google for their names if you don't know them. Also, here is a key detail:
  11. alain

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF launches Online program

    Again, it is not the school responsibility to place the students (any student, not even full time students).
  12. alain

    2011 Advanced Risk Portfolio Management (ARPM) Bootcamp by Attilio Meucci

    There is usually more than 100 participants. I attended in 2009. There are mostly practitioners. Here are pictures from last year's event.
  13. alain

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF launches Online program

    IMO, placing students is not the school's responsibility.
  14. alain

    Germany vs Rest of EU
  15. alain

    MIT MFin: Profile Evaluation

    chances... well, if you haven't applied yet, you have zero chances to get in. After you apply, you probably stand 50-50
  16. alain

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF launches Online program

    It doesn't matter. What I posted is totally subjective. I would argue the most important thing is to convince somebody to hire you. The "convincing" part is the beginning to prove yourself. Again, similar classes.
  17. alain

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF launches Online program

    correction... for a similar program at Université de Montreal... Remember, some people (I don't) value the name of the university, CMU in this case.
  18. alain

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF launches Online program

    You don't have to apply. I'll bet you any kind of money they won't run out of applicants.
  19. alain

    The college bubble

    talking about for-profit colleges, from the NYT:
  20. alain

    Just got my degree! Woo hoo!

    My undergrad did say the major.
  21. alain

    Just got my degree! Woo hoo!

    I don't think it will ever say master in financial engineering. Actually, I don't think it will mention your major.
  22. alain

    British Universities, facing HUGE cuts, plan tuition increase

    are you implying that UK/EU students don't go for PhDs?
  23. alain

    When Milliseconds Make Millions: Why Wall Street Programmers Earn the Big Bucks

    Interesting discussion about this topic Even better, check this from the discussion: this the wikipedia entry for the author of the post:
  24. alain

    Joined Michigan, now UCB.. what to do?

    You are looking at a job market a year later. Keep that in mind when you make your decision.
  25. alain

    How to get around the city

    Walking from Penn to Baruch will take you around 20 mins. It's not that bad. If you go really fast and the lights cooperate, you can make it in around 13-15 mins. I looked at "foldable" bikes. Actually my sister in law and her husband did extensive research and this is what they bought...
  26. alain

    Debt ceiling

    ... and Republicans led this country to win in the Civil War. What's your point?
  27. alain

    BI Norwegian business school

    and Canadians too.
  28. alain

    Is Apple's phenomenal growth good for overall tech Industry?

    I was only talking about point #4. Windows has never been easier to use than any OS coming from Apple. You said that easy of use was the biggest reason and that is completely false. Now, if you say that you are really used to the Windows interface and working on another environment doesn't come...
  29. alain

    Survey of forum members backgrounds/credibility

    some jobs prohibit giving out that information or even worse, just posting on a forum could be grounds for termination so asking might not be the best. However, if the OP wants to know, he should first reveal some information about himself/herself. Maybe that would encourage people to do the same.
  30. alain

    What phone do you have?

    Really? The paid version? I've never had a problem with my HTC.
  31. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    You are making a HUGE assumption. Sometimes is not possible to study.
  32. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    did you read the part about not being able to leave? People have been waiting for 50+ years. My country is the exception but I understand why people try to get here illegally.
  33. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    No worries. It is simplistic because the solutions you are providing are very simplistic as well. I'm trying to make a case that is not as black and white as you want it to be (maybe my approach is wrong). Sometimes is extremely hard for the illegals to survive in their own countries. I just...
  34. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    a little story, I came to this country illegally because it was illegal to leave my country. The government won't let you leave. Think about how bad is where I used to live, that I came from the only country in the world that if you get to US illegally, you are protected by the law on the spot...
  35. alain

    What phone do you have?

    FlexT9 has script mode, I can write with my finger without looking.
  36. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    So, why don't you do something to change it instead of running away? Whatever your family did is irrelevant, we are talking about you and your contribution to the place where you grew up. Those kids that grew up in this country illegally should be able to give back to this country. Without...
  37. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    So basically you are depriving your home country of intellectual power... and if the education on your homecountry is "free", you are outright stealing from them.
  38. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    Still, it's not the kids fault. If your parents commit a crime and have to do jail time, do you think the government should put you in jail as well?
  39. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    Did you read what atreides posted? it doesn't matter if you study and have good grades. The kids that grew up in this country are in line to be deported unless that law was passed.
  40. alain

    What phone do you have?

    I don't know about Swype but FlexT9 will beat any real keyboard.
  41. alain

    What phone do you have?

    RIM is dead.
  42. alain

    Java vs Matlab

    The killer feature. You won't deploy Matlab on a server for long live processes. Java is built for such a thing. There is a good reason why Java is a general language while Matlab is a custom environment.
  43. alain

    Is Apple's phenomenal growth good for overall tech Industry?

    This is completely wrong. Windows was not succesful because it was easier. Actually, it wasn't
  44. alain


    wait until you finish your PhD and then decide. Things might be totally different then.
  45. alain

    Where do I fit as a CS/EE/ME, problem solver, entreprenurial, ivy MS graduate?

    contact a recruiter or two. Let's see what they can do for you.
  46. alain

    Advice to a rising senior studying finance

    Search the forum. This issue has been addressed multiple times.
  47. alain

    Where do I fit as a CS/EE/ME, problem solver, entreprenurial, ivy MS graduate?

    How many interviews have you been already? What was the feedback from these interviews? From all these, it would seem you have a lot of experience and you could be a great asset. However, you don't have a job yet. So, what went wrong? There must be something wrong with this picture. You think...
  48. alain

    What apps you have on your Android/iPhone?

    FlexT9 Go Free Winamp SuperBox A Online Radio Pocket Casts Firefox
  49. alain

    scheduling a cron job in python??

    do you have a single python script? you could put #!/usr/bin/python at the top and call the script from from cron. Also, you need to figure out why the script hangs. It might be easier to get the data from the URL using wget or curl and then scrape the result with yout python script locally.
  50. alain

    It's 100°F plus degree in NYC today

    This is not the first time the temp hits 100+ since I came to this country. So, I don't know what you are talking about. Here is a link. It looks like somebody made the effort to compile some historical temperatures:
  51. alain

    Amazon Announces E-Textbook Rentals

    It works for you. Don't assume it will work for everybody else. Do you study to learn or to pass an exam? In some classes, I did study to just to pass the exam but there were plenty of subjects that I study to learn. I rather read a very good book than a bunch of Cliff Notes. This is...
  52. alain

    Amazon Announces E-Textbook Rentals

    Before I start, I have an iPad, a Kindle DX, an iPod Touch and an Android phone. I also try the regular Kindle once. I have used them one time or another to read text books (mostly books with a lot of math formulas). This is my opinion regarding eReaders for these type of books (this might not...
  53. alain

    Best instrument/method for speculation?

    This is better than the disclaimer.
  54. alain

    Cost of living in NYC- a break down

    why not?
  55. alain

    Advice on advertising for math tutoring...

    Ross, Are you going to have time for this?
  56. alain

    Does someone know cheap FIX engine?

    I have a friend who develop his whole app using QuickFIX.
  57. alain

    Rewriting MATLAB in Java

    Try to solve the problem in Java instead of re-writing. Only use Matlab as a model.
  58. alain

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

  59. alain

    ScipY 2011

    Is Wes Mckinney going back to school? Who is going to be in charge of Pandas if that is the case?
  60. alain

    Salary History

    that's the only thing that matter.
  61. alain

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    my question again is regarding this. have you ever try to sell it?
  62. alain

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Have you ever try to sell that gold?
  63. alain

    Salary History

    did you get the job?
  64. alain

    Listening to music while studying??

    We used to call it "The Red Shirt" test condition in Cuba. My friends and I used to wear the same shirt to the tests all the time. Result: a bunch of croc...
  65. alain

    Is Mercer's cost of living survey reliable?

    did the publish the methodology? Did they have a full report? You are just talking about your experience here
  66. alain

    No Windows at Google

    it comes to the Macbook Pro.
  67. alain

    No Windows at Google

    I knew this already but just through friends' comments. This makes it official.
  68. alain

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Are you arguing against his point? It really doesn't seem like it. If the MBAs and the managers get paid the "dough" is because somebody gives it to them.
  69. alain

    No Windows at Google

    Actually, almost no Windows at Google
  70. alain

    Coding skills?

    read this link
  71. alain

    Unpaid internships

    What is Cantab? What is the Russel Group?
  72. alain

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    don't you have be a member of the party to vote in the primaries? Should I take you are a republican then?
  73. alain

    How to improve my English level?

    That's not gonna help with the English.
  74. alain

    How to improve my English level?

    I have written that so many times that if somebody is asking this question and hasn't seen the answer already, he/she should be a lost case. BTW, that advice works all the time.
  75. alain

    How to improve my English level?

    c'mon. Learn real American english with MTV, Bravo and any other channel that is dedicated to Reality TV shows. :)
  76. alain

    How do you keep in touch with people you meet through networking?

    Are you in the US? if you are, do you work in the Financial Industry? The easiest way to get a job in the US is by knowing somebody already "in". This is a well known fact. That's what having a network is so important. Usually, at the end of the interview process there are couple of people...
  77. alain

    Career advice needed badly

    This is not necessarily true.
  78. alain

    Options inheritance in C#

    We have gone over this multiple times. Tsotne wants to reinvent the wheel...or should I say, create a better mouse trap. That's fine as long as he knows that his time might be better spent somewhere else.
  79. alain

    Options inheritance in C#

    check the implementation in Joshi's C++ book. That's another point of view.
  80. alain

    career advice

    What do you mean by quant jobs and quant trading?
  81. alain

    Best Programming Language for Finance

    Oh, I see. Still it's no very coherent. It seems all the posts are from the same user and there is no rhyme or reason why he made some of the comments he made. Well, let's get back to the original thread.
  82. alain

    Best Programming Language for Finance

    I read around this site and I just found miss-information everywhere. Looks more like random posts with no coherence.
  83. alain

    Google+ is really awesome.

    this is skype implementation. i.e. one to one call. G+ supports up to 10 people. I wouldn't say RIP yet.
  84. alain

    NYU POLY review?

    What is going to happen if you are already a ninja?
  85. alain

    .NET HFT systems

    True, but they might follow really really slowly.
  86. alain

    .NET HFT systems

    Welcome to the real world!! How much do you think is going to cost them to change? Also, on average, people are afraid of new things and changes, too much risk involved, etc, etc.
  87. alain

    .NET HFT systems

    Legacy code, interviewers, getting a job in big old financial institution.
  88. alain

    Availability of books overseas?

    Except a lot of the books are not on the Kindle yet. :(
  89. alain

    .NET HFT systems

    This answer is very short sighted and not really complete. C++ is good for the pieces of the code that need to be extremely fast (microsecond fast) and when you need sub-ms speed. You will pay a price for this, longer development time, complex debugging and higher probability of errors. So, it...
  90. alain

    .NET HFT systems

    How so?
  91. alain

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    I would like to know if you can/can't vote when you post on this thread as well.
  92. alain

    What to do on the train...

    I do mostly 3 things on the train: sleep, read or code.
  93. alain

    What IDE do you use for C++ on Linux platform?

    I have used it for work and for school. I like it. I have been able to solve the problems you complain about. BTW, if you don't like it, don't use it. There are other IDEs out there for development in C++. You always can go to emacs or vi/vim.
  94. alain

    Direction Needed

    I would rule out Finance as a minor. You can learn finance on your own.
  95. alain

    Python GUI development

    I have heard good things about wx and QT. Never used any of them. Always deploy through a web browser.
  96. alain

    Reviewing quant recruiting firm/headhunter

    That sounds better. A review is much better.
  97. alain

    data and optimizing with MATLAB's fmincon()

    <suggestion> use R! </Suggestion> :)
  98. alain

    Using Cloud/HPC environment for Trading purposes

    The first part, back testing. You can also consider optimal asset allocation and any other sort of intensive Math.
  99. alain

    Using Cloud/HPC environment for Trading purposes

    You don't have to co-locate your machines for live trading unless fast access to the exchange is needed. That depends on your time frame.
  100. alain

    Reviewing quant recruiting firm/headhunter

    I like this idea but I can see all sorts of problems with it.
  101. alain

    I am very good at computer programming but very average at maths... can I be a quant?

    I like Java a lot but I have never done GUI development with it. I think it was a half baked idea.
  102. alain

    I am very good at computer programming but very average at maths... can I be a quant?

    This sounds great on paper but in real life it is huge issue because you are bound to make mistakes and C++ doesn't forgive when there is problem. There have been countless of projects started in C++ that have been problematic to no end. One quick example, when Windows NT was being developed...
  103. alain

    Fixed income or equity-quant analyst?

    one more thing, fixed income world is BIG as in an order of magnitude bigger than the equity world. Keep that in mind. Remember people are more willing to borrow to grow than to sell a piece of the business.
  104. alain

    I am very good at computer programming but very average at maths... can I be a quant?

    did you take any other programming course? Did you try to learn another language?
  105. alain

    Anonymity on the Web

    Usually banks don't let go to social media sites.
  106. alain

    C++, what else?

    For some weird reason, Java is used on Windows machines as well.
  107. alain

    C++, what else?

    Is this your personal opinion or a fact that you have seen? IMHO, this is completely not true. Java is widely use in finance. Do you have any idea of what you are talking about? It seems to me you just spit an opinion without doing any research at all.
  108. alain

    Authentication for batch jobs applications

    This is just fluff. I wonder how many batch applications you have deployed in a real production environment. To the OP, you will have to stored the password somewhere. The first thing that comes to mind is an environment variable that you only have access to.
  109. alain

    I am very good at computer programming but very average at maths... can I be a quant?

    This doesn't make you a good programmer. Major red flag. C++ without OOP is not real C++. Also, I didn't see pointers or memory management in your list. So, I'm sort of doubtful of the claim about being a "very good programmer". At least you knowledge you lack math skills. I'm sure you lack...
  110. alain

    Desk went under, looking for next gig.

    I'm afraid you are really new to this forum. Search for Ilya's posts. You will learn the complete story.
  111. alain

    Desk went under, looking for next gig.

    how long were you there? the whole operation went under?
  112. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    Let me find equal clock speed benchmark. They i7 will have more L3 cache that's their advantage. If not, they will be i5's
  113. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    a lot of research in those sites is as good as doing nothing. Gaming sites, Ars, Anandtech, Tomhardware. They tend to be more thorough in their testing
  114. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    I can't wait anymore so let me call this BS right now. By pure specifications, check this link: Then here are the tests...
  115. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    Any evidence of this?
  116. alain

    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    You should back it up to the cloud. I use JungleDisk. Dropbox is very popular as well.
  117. alain

    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    I used an IBM Thinkpad tablet when I was going to school 4/5 years ago. That tablet is still going strong at my brother's medical practice.
  118. alain

    Anyone has their own website?

    personal wiki and file repository. I have the latter for historical purposes.
  119. alain

    Anyone has their own website?

    I have one but it's controlled by ID and password :(. I'll make it public one day.
  120. alain


    depends. Stock fees are dynamic. If I remember correctly 0.0005 for stocks. For options and futures the scheme is different.
  121. alain


  122. alain


    interactive brokers
  123. alain

    Excel #value error that isn't one

    I have an idea for you, try not to use Excel to manage large amount of data. It might be better to do the heavy lifting outside Excel and use excel just to present the results. That will save you a lot of headaches.
  124. alain

    For Data mining and Machine Learning Enthusiasts

    This book exists already. I have it.
  125. alain

    Best online virtual stock market?

    I had a big argument with the HR People in charge of this at Bank of America Merrill Lynch when I worked there. They didn't have a plausible answer.
  126. alain

    A quant job: the easiest job that pays $100,000 out of college?

    Guaranteed revenue, not profits. A piece of the 10 million goes to pay all the operations stuff: electricity, data feeds, rent, whatever. Think about it this way, if you are good enough to raise 500 million (raising money is harder than you might think), you probably deserve that 10 million up...
  127. alain

    MFE vs. MS Computer Science?

    I don't think so. The OP change the tune to general trading.
  128. alain

    What phone do you have?

    I use something called FlexT9 on the HTC Incredible. It's like Swype but on steroids. You can buy the app for 4.99 on the Amazon App Store. I got it for free with Amazon Market Paid App of the Day (Amazon Market gives you a paid app for free everyday). FlexT9 is awsome!! You get used to...
  129. alain

    MFE vs. MS Computer Science?

    None. But they asked about trading in general.
  130. alain

    MFE vs. MS Computer Science?

    Fixed income strategies where you need to model interest rates, credit strategies, mortgages. All those will use stochastic calculus. Keep in mind the equity world is nothing in comparison to the fixed income world when it comes to notional.
  131. alain

    What phone do you have?

    get verizon so you don't have worry about limit (for now)
  132. alain

    What phone do you have?
  133. alain

    Need advice for PhD program in Financial Engineering

    Maybe you are talking about a different industry but in finance respect is usually earned on the trenches. And you know this because you are hiring, right? Or maybe because you work as a recruiter and you have seen this demand first hand, right? If not, you are just blowing smoke.
  134. alain

    Would this be too old?

    How old are you now? If you are looking at 10 years down the road, things could be completely different. Quants might not even exist.
  135. alain

    MFE vs. MS Computer Science?

    on trading.
  136. alain

    PhD in Mathematics?

    Before you spend more money, try to find out why you haven't found a job. Is it really the years of experience or a higher degree? Did you get any offer at all? did you go to interviews? There are a lot of schools that claim almost 100% placement so, are you that unlucky? Are you working with a...
  137. alain

    HFT Careers and How to Get Into High Frequency Trading

    I don't know if I should be stunned or start crying :(
  138. alain

    How many programmers are on Quantnet?

    from your post, it seems that you are isolating the editors in Linux. Have you found any editor that you like in another OS?
  139. alain

    How many programmers are on Quantnet?

    So, which editor doesn't "suck" in your experience? which is your preferred editor?
  140. alain

    MFE vs. MS Computer Science?

    CS has almost no advantage unless you go into Automated Market Making of flow but there are not that many players. CS will probably have some advantage but it's hard to tell.
  141. alain

    MFE vs. MS Computer Science?

    more advantageous for what?
  142. alain

    Need advice for PhD program in Financial Engineering

    I don't want to discourage you but.. what makes you believe you are going to be in a better position in 4 years in comparison to now?
  143. alain

    Do you need access to high-performance computing?

    you can run your own HPC. Check this out:
  144. alain

    Excel - Web interface?

    This sounds like a bad idea all together. You are using Excel as your storage... bad bad bad.
  145. alain

    Excel - Web interface?

    Which languages do you know? This sounds like a simple CRUD application for the web. Ruby on Rails is famous for easy of use. If you don't know Ruby (I don't), I would use Python and the Django framework. You will be up and running in no time also. Dumping to XLS could be as simple as dumping a...
  146. alain

    How many programmers are on Quantnet?

    what's your base line?
  147. alain

    How many programmers are on Quantnet?

    That might one of the reasons I like Linux so much.
  148. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    this is just a matter of opinion.
  149. alain

    Brain Drain good for developing countries??? Really??

    <offtopic> I think you guys have too much free time on your hands. </offtopic>
  150. alain

    Customized Excel

    Their front ends are either a Web things or Excel itself
  151. alain

    Customized Excel

    Some of these are features from OO languages. There are multiple non OO languages out there that don't have any of that stuff and they are still great languages to work with.
  152. alain

    Customized Excel

    Currently, mostly Python, R and Java but I have had to do a lot of VBA lately. So, I have a renewed hatred for it.
  153. alain

    Customized Excel

    Here is one of my latest pet peeves. Since XLS files are binary, I can't use source control. One more, VBA is a horrible language. I'll be back with more. PS - The windows discussion is for another day. I have say it before, you should use whatever OS you are happy with.
  154. alain

    Customized Excel

    This is the root of all evil (I'm doing a lot of VBA now and I hate it with passion)
  155. alain

    Customized Excel

    the excel version of open office is cool and free. Resolver One also seems like a good option. I don't use Excel anymore at home and I'm trying to get rid of it at work.
  156. alain


    so that you know, in US, DEA stands for "Drug Enforcement Administration".
  157. alain

    R Finance 2011: Chicago April 29th & 30th

    They are there now.
  158. alain

    Customized Excel

    I think you are blowing up smoke. Whatever you are smoking, send some in my direction. The rest of the post is just fluff.
  159. alain

    R Finance 2011: Chicago April 29th & 30th

    I couldn't find any of the slides on that site today. Did you see them?
  160. alain

    Customized Excel

    nobody is perfect
  161. alain

    Customized Excel

    self-destroy. Actually, I want the new Excel to be a one time app that makes Excel go up in smoke in such a way we don't even remember Excel ever existed.
  162. alain

    How To Write Unmaintainable Code and Enjoy Lifetime Employment

    Funny thing, one way to obscure your code is to follow Microsoft standard practices of Hungarian notation.
  163. alain

    Some Recruiting Agents Exploit Chinese Students

    This is a bunch of baloney. All international students go through this and they manage.
  164. alain

    India's educational system

    The dude had an accident in Plainsborough, NJ, by himself. There was no other vehicle involved.
  165. alain

    Vienna University of Economics and Business

    R is an excellent choice.
  166. alain

    India's educational system

    I believe this 100%. I sold a car to an Indian consultant on my previous company and I was scare shitless when I let him drive the first time. I didn't want to sell him the car (I thought he was going to kill himself) but a mutual friend convinced me to do it. That was at noon time. That...
  167. alain

    Some Recruiting Agents Exploit Chinese Students

    This is total hogwash. I don't believe any piece of it.
  168. alain

    NROTC to PHD

    I have a question. Could you be called into active duty? If that is the case, don't worry about any issues until after you are done with the service.
  169. alain

    What is the common time interval between salaries?

    If by salary you mean how often you get paid, the standard in the US is either Weekly, bi-weekly or twice a month.
  170. alain

    Dual Monitor Delight

    I think that's his opinion, you don't need to be so defensive about it. However, saying you don't want to try because you know you don't need them is like my son saying, he doesn't like some food even though he hasn't try it yet. I understand the logistics problem but having a second monitor...
  171. alain

    Ex-Goldman Sachs Banker Starts Hedge Fund Analyzing Japanese Blog Traffic

    This has happened before and, guess what? No meltdown.
  172. alain

    COMPARE FSRM@Rutgers vs MFE@NYU-Poly

    You have to be very careful on what you are saying. It sounds to me like sour grapes and some people will think that you couldn't hack it to make it to an MFE and that's what you got into another program. Still sound like sour grapes. The interview might have gone great in your eyes but you...
  173. alain

    One complete financial software

    Create a new thread and post those questions. I can give a little bit of an insight. There is somebody here in QN that has a complete product for the iPad and the iPhone. He can give you more details too. However, scrap your idea of C# or C++ in iOS.
  174. alain

    One complete financial software

    Start a new thread and ask the question. I can tell you from the get go that the Apps for iPad/iPhone are done in Objective-C. No C++ and no C#. Also, the iPad doesn't have Mac OS but iOS. That's a different creature.
  175. alain

    What books are you currently reading?

    Ayn Rand? Skip it.
  176. alain

    One complete financial software

    Add NAG to this list.
  177. alain

    Boot Linux from your browser

    it has its own c compiler. vi also works. you want C++? and nano? Easy, write it yourself.
  178. alain

    Aerospace Engineer To Quantitative Analyst?

    IMHO, I think you are going to be wasting your time. If you want to switch after the PhD, go for it. You should have enough skills and knowledge.
  179. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    Learn how to use Windows and Excel. You don't have to love them. I don't, and I'm using them everyday now.
  180. alain

    The college bubble

    did you party like an animal and drink like there was no tomorrow?
  181. alain

    How to test the quant algorithm?

    back testing? Get data from somewhere and run your strategy. For back testing you only need data. What kind of strategy? which asset class? which products are you targeting?
  182. alain

    The college bubble

    Good luck with that. Who has the money? that's who is in charge. That's pretty much how it is. I'm sure somewhere, there must be some for-profit school that is good. However, from that documentary it seemed that is not the case.
  183. alain

    The college bubble

    I agree with you somehow but that's not how things work over here. Regarding Bar exams for instance, if you talking about Lawyers, they are controlled at the State level and every state has its own. Medicine is a different story. Every state has its own set of rules and requirements. It might...
  184. alain

    The college bubble

    I don't think you are very familiar how the US government works at various levels (Federal, State and municipalities). You are trying to apply a model from your country to the US. I don't think that is going to fly.
  185. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    No, that's not the case. As long as your CPU supports 64bit virtualization, you should be fine. I'm running today 64 bit Linux on 32 Bit XP at the office.
  186. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    No. Run VirtualBox in your environment and run our VM there. I already do this at home. I think it's a great working environment because you can have full backups (snapshots) at anytime and if something goes wrong, it's just a simple click.
  187. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    actually both. This is how is going to work. You will need to install Virtual Box and we will provide a 64bit Ubuntu VM that you will use as working environment.
  188. alain

    The college bubble

    There is really interesting detail that you point out. There is really no default. So the lenders will always somehow someway recover their money (it could be slow and lengthy but they will be able to recover it).
  189. alain

    COMPARE TOP 3 MFE programs in terms of Placement?

    I have posted this before, my old boss used to say, when you assume, you make an ASS of U and ME. Keep that in mind in the future.
  190. alain

    Should I just quit my job?

    That was a picture of my younger self. I used to be famous. Don't you recognize me?
  191. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    Nobody is perfect :) We are going to be working on Linux so that's an easy choice of a compiler.
  192. alain

    COMPARE TOP 3 MFE programs in terms of Placement?

    Do any of you read the first post? In terms of placement, this should be easy to identify. If a university doesn't post placement numbers, they are out of the running. Then, look at the ones that publish placement numbers and take it from there.
  193. alain

    COMPARE TOP 3 MFE programs in terms of Placement?

    When I hear "probably" it means you probably have no clue of their placement numbers and you are just guessing.
  194. alain

    Should I just quit my job?

    why do you hate your job?
  195. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    gcc/g++ and Eclipse
  196. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    I post this before and you will eventually get an email: at least 4GB of memory and support for 64bit Virtualization. If you have a MacbookPro with at least 4GB of memory, you will be fine.
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