C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

Hello everyone, my name is Zahari Dichev . I am very glad that I am part of this course. I am a 21 years old student for Computer Graphics. I am going to be doing an Advanced computer science Msc in the UK starting this fall. Either Imperial or St. Andrews. I have not decided yet.I figured out this course is a great source of knowledge and a useful certificate to have under the belt.

Objective: Learn C++ WELL and prepare myself for future MFE program.

Current Work: I am still an undergraduate, working as a systems developer in the University Computer graphics department ( grid computing and things of that sort .

Intended Pace: I want to take as much time as I can in order to learn everything possible that I can. I am not pushed by time. so I can afford it.
Objective: Learn C++ into a propriate level to get a Quants job.

Programming Experience: Done one introductory course of C++

Current Work: PhD in Electrical Engineering

Intended Pace: ASAP. Hopefully within 4 months.
Hi Everyone.

Objective: Learn something new

Programming Experience: VBA, MATLAB

Current Work: Market Risk Manager for an Asset Management Firm

Intended Pace: Hopefully by end of March, 2012.
Hello everyone! Really happy to be part of this group!

Objective: Learn C++ and prepare myself for MFE programs.

Programming experience: Very few of Matlab, VBA and Stata!

Current work: Final semester in Economics Undergrad. Intern in a trade desk at a Brokerage firm.

Intended pace of program: As soon as possible, hopefully by March!
Hi All, I am MBA student at Baruch College with dual majors finance and economics (graduating in summer).

Objective: Learn C++ for MFE program
Programming Experience: None
Current Work: Goltens Marine
Intended Pace:Hopefully by the mid of April.
Hey everyone, I am currently teaching part time as a college instructor and taking this c++ seminar as well as the probability seminar.

Objective: Develop strong c++ skills overall, with a focus on mathematical finance.
Programming Experience: Basic c++, very basic HTML, and I've played around with MATLAB a bit.
Current Work: Part time college math instructor and student
Intended Pace: I hope to finish by April.
Hi..I registered with this course last Sep, but didn't start until recently..

Objective: Preparing for MFE
Programming Experience: Introductory course for Java, 7 years ago..
Current Work: Equity Trader
Intended Pace:Expect to complete by early March
Hi..I registered with this course last Sep, but didn't start until recently..

Objective: Preparing for MFE
Programming Experience: Introductory course for Java, 7 years ago..
Current Work: Equity Trader
Intended Pace:Expect to complete by early March
Java background is good.

Pls make sure you learn pointers well. Good luck and hope you enjoy the course.
Hi everybody, My name is Lucas and I just started with this course.

Objective: To become eligible for a top MFE program.
Programming experience: Java, VBA and MATLAB
Current work: Liquidity trader at a Colombian Mutual Fund
Intended pace: As fast as I can, but not forgetting to learn as much as possible.
Hi everyone, I'm Kai, currently a FE student at Imperial College London, seeking to move to US
Objective: apply for top US MFE programs/seeking jobs in funds
Programming experience: MATLAB, VBA, intro C++, a bit of SQL/Access(mostly forgotten)
Current work: Masters student at Imperial College London
Intended pace: finish the program within 1.5 month (before my elective course which requires C++) I have a 1-month Easter holiday, so I can afford enough dedication.

Hope I can meet some of you guys next year, in one of top MFE programs! :geek:
Objective: Strengthen my skillset for a potential career move to finance
Programming Experience: Significant software and optimization projects for IT consulting firm. Most technical experience in Java, but have done work in Turbo C
Current work: Optimization of signaling system of NY mass transit.
Intended pace: Fast enough to take advantage of my previous software experience, slow enough to pick up insights in financial engineering.
Hi, I am Leon.
Objective: Apply for MFE programs
Programming experience: MATLAB, VBA, intro to C,
Current work: Master's student in Finance at the University of Florida
Intended pace: Target to complete it by April
Hi all nice to be here. Wish everyone all the best in your careers.

Objective: To understand the fundamentals of building QF C++ applications. Interested in learning and applying Boost for databases and statistics.
Programming experience: Assembly, Mathcad, Matlab, VBA (Excel and Access), C, C++
Previous and current work: Trader (options and futures), Risk Analyst Deutsche
Intended pace: Like to clear the program before the CFA Dec 12 exams.
Hi all,seems that little of new blood has been injected for a time,wish to get some companions...
Objective: Meet the requirement of MFE programs
Programming experience: A little of VB,C
Previous and current work: Student in engineering major
Intended pace: Finish it by September.
Hi, its nice to meet everyone. Best of luck to everyone and their endeavours.
Objective: To gain deeper C/C++ knowledge
Programming experience: Three semesters of C++
Previous and current work: Master's student in Economics (graduating in the summer)
Intended pace: Finish by the beginning of August (before starting the Mathematical Finance program in the Fall)
Hi everyone, looking forward to working with you all!
Objective: To improve profile for admission, and learn some C++ along the way of course.
Programming experience: Started in BASIC back before Windows and have used Java, C and Matlab before to various extents during university. More limited on C++, and haven't programmed since graduation 5+ years ago.
Previous and current work: BE(Mech)/BTech(Aero), now working as a mechanical engineer in industry.
Intended pace: Middle of August.