C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

Hello everyone! My name is Matthew.

Objective: Learn C++ with an emphasis on application.
Programming Experience: Learned Java so long ago that I might as well be a complete rookie.
Current Work: Just finished my first year of my undergrad, majoring in Physics and intending to major in applied math as well.
Intended Pace: Finish by the fall quarter after the school year starts.
Good evening all! My new is Marco and thrilled to finally get started.

Objective: Establish a solid C++ basis to be prepared for any future challenges coming my way
Programming Experience: junior level C# knowledge
Current Work: Working for quite some years with QRM (ALM Framework) within a Major Bank
Intended Pace: Expecting to be done at my birthday somewhere mid November
Hi everyone. I am Juhyung Kang. I am excited to learn C++.

Objective: Learn C++ for MFE programs and get a job in a quantitative field
Programming Experience: Python and R
Current Work: undergraduate student(business administration and statistics)
Intended Pace: 3 months (from September to November)
Hello everyone! My name is Matthew.

Objective: Learn C++ with an emphasis on application.
Programming Experience: Learned Java so long ago that I might as well be a complete rookie.
Current Work: Just finished my first year of my undergrad, majoring in Physics and intending to major in applied math as well.
Intended Pace: Finish by the fall quarter after the school year starts.
Good evening all! My new is Marco and thrilled to finally get started.

Objective: Establish a solid C++ basis to be prepared for any future challenges coming my way
Programming Experience: junior level C# knowledge
Current Work: Working for quite some years with QRM (ALM Framework) within a Major Bank
Intended Pace: Expecting to be done at my birthday somewhere mid November

Sounds like a Dutch name!
I live in Koedijk 😀
That's exactly 10km from where i live. In that case I can print my homework and put this in your mailbox instead of using the 'Dropbox' ;)
Hello everyone - my name is Sebastian - I am excited to virtually meet you all and learn C++!

Objective: Learn C++ in order to improve my programming skills and gain admission to the MFE program

Programming Experience: Have taught myself python to an intermediate level over the past few months - had previously taught myself a bit of kdb/q at my previous job but my new one doesn't use it and so that's mostly been forgotten (but I miss the language)

Current Work: Trader at a hedge fund in NYC - was previously a trader at a bank before this

Intended Pace: My goal is to finish this before the end of the year so that I can apply it to my current work and take the advanced course
Hi everyone, here is Anna, glad to join you guys!

Objective: Learn how to develop trading strategies and do analysis related in C++ for both work and the MFE program.

Programming Experience: I use Python for automation in my day job, which is pretty about crypto trading/trading operations. Besides, I learned MATLAB in my previous grad school for asset pricing, only got primary-intermediary level tho.

Current Work: Crypto trading

Intended pace: Hopefully can get it done by January.

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Hi everyone!
Here is Zhang Yue, or you could call me Catherine.

Objective: Learn C++ for the admission of MFE program and get into the quantitative field

Programming Experience: Python and SQL for automation in my previous daily work about data analysis, MATLAB for MCM in my undergraduate school

Current Work: Assistant fund manager for four years, resigned from an actively managed fund in China last year and going all out for the MFE program now

Intended pace: Hopefully can finish it in 6 weeks, but may be deferred due to a health problem of my parent
Hi everyone! I'll go under alias Marcus

- Get fundamentals of programming right, and eventually transfer these learnings to other languages.
- Add another dimension to my profile when applying to MFE programs.
Programming experience:
- Python and R.
- Went through 'C++ for Beginners' - Schildt, and 'C++ Sams Teach Yourself' before signing up.
Current work: Student
Intended pace: Focusing on getting the fundamentals right -- understanding will be a priority over pace.