C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

Hi everyone,

My name is Kanan. Happy to see so many of you here.

Objective: Add more quant analysis to the real estate industry. Additionally, I would love to get into one of the top MFE programs to propel my career.

Programming Experience: Web Development and Python. Currently, focused on data science.

Current Work: Real Estate Analyst. Most of the work involves Excel. With the increase of the data available in our industry, I would love to use my programming skills from this course and all these new data to offer better real estate investments to our investors.

Intended Pace: I am not in a hurry. The main goal is to understand and apply everything I learn here.
Hi class mates, I am Abhishek and I am from Singapore.
Objective: Re-Learn C++ and Advanced C++ for MFE program or self learn the MFE if I don't get accepted.

Programing Experience: Python (quant and ML), C, BASIC, Java, Ruby, Javascript ES6 e
Current Work: Technical Sales for Digital asset technology provider
Intended Pace: Marathon mode and be able to problem solve without reference.

Nice to meet and read about you all as well. Hope you can join my Discord for MFE students.
Hello everyone, I am double majoring in Mathematics and Quantitative Econ.

Objective: Learn C++ for admission to MFE programs,

Programming Exp.: Python, R, Matlab

Current Work: I just graduated, yeahhhh~~~. I am having a remote internship, and it will end next month.

Intended pace: I am currently studying for CFA 1 Level this year, and I plan to learn more about machine learning and deep learning knowledge after my application is over.
Hey Everybody! A pleasure to meet you all.

Objective: To learn C++ for admission to the MFE program.

Programming experience: Python, R, Front End Languages(CSS, HTML, JS), A little rusty on C#

Current work: Risk Analytics at Morgan Stanley

The intended pace of program: Since the ultimate goal is to apply for the MFE program, I aim to complete this course before that admission date. However, I start my FT role on the 23rd, so I am hoping to complete it by then.
Hello everybody, I am Juan from Colombia

Learn C++ to the deepest level to apply it in my graduate studies and future work
Improve my profile for MFE applications (hoping it is Baruch!)
3) Programming experience:
R, MATLAB, SQL, SAS, Prophet....
4)Current work: Actuary
5) Intended Pace:
12-14 weeks considering I am taking pre-mfe courses from Baruch!

Good luck to everybody!
Hi all, my name is Dan.

Objective: Would love to get a quant job, always seem to struggle in interviews due to a weak coding background. I am hoping this course will not only teach me how to effectively program, but I want to gain confidence programming.
Programming Experience: Python, R, SPSS, SQL. Mostly data analysis, do not know much "programming" or CS fundamentals
Current Work: Data Analyst
Intended Pace: Hopefully 12 weeks, but I am more interested in learning as much as possible as opposed to finishing faster