Intended pace of program: As soon as possible, I am committed to challenging myself to deeply understand a new subject. I believe gaining proficiency in C++ is essential. Alongside this, I also plan to develop my mathematical skills for quantitative analysis.
Hello everyone, I am very happy to join this community.
My name is Shitian Lin and you can also call me Steve. I am taking this course to systematically learn C++ as well as to learn about some real-world applications in Finance.
Objective: To systematically learn C++ with an emphasis on the financial industry in order to prepare for entering this field.
Programming experience:Python, C, C++. Current work: Incoming Master's Student Intended pace of program: Aiming to complete the course as soon as possible, by 8/1/2023.
Thank you so much and I am very excited about learning from you guys!
Hello everyone!
My name is Frank Chen and I am planning to enroll into Gatech QCF.
Objective: Learning C++ for quant finance Programming experience: C, C++, Python, Java, R, MATLAB Current work: Incoming Gatech QCF student Intended pace of program: ASAP, try to finish this in the summer.
Hello everyone! This is Terry Wang and I am so happy to join you all in this course! Objective: Learning how C++ is used in financial engineering and set a foundation for future courses. Programming experience: C++, Python, MATLAB Current work: Junior student studying quantitative finance Intended pace of programme: Finish before September this year when application for MFE programmes begin
Hi everyone! This is Yildiz Altin and I am excited to join you all in this course! Objective: Learning how C++ is used in financial engineering and set a foundation for future courses. Programming experience: Python, R and R-studio, Mathematica, Excel Current work: Treasury Advisory Analyst at Deluxe Intended pace of programme: Finish before the application for MFE program
Hello, I am an International student living in NYC. I did my MS in FE from the Stevens Institute of Technology. Objective: Learn C++ for future employment Programming Experience: Python and R Current Work: Graduated in December 2022, seeking employment. Intended pace: Finish by September.
Hi everyone! I am Mateo and I graduated from Oregon State University with a BS in CS. Objective: Refresh/go deeper on C++ knowledge and learn applications for finance to prepare for quant dev interviews and a potential MFE. Programming Experience: C, C++, Javascript, compete w/ Python, some assembly, C# Current Work: Full Stack Software Engineer @ Fortune 500 Intended Pace: 12 weeks
Objective: Learn C++ for MFE program Programming Experience: python, R, Matlab Current Work: Second year student in England Intended Pace: plan to finish this course during summer vacation
Hey everyone, I am Jason, and happy to join the course. I first learned about the course through browsing on Quantnet and research on LinkedIn Objective: Learn C++ systematically in preparation for grad coursework. Coming from a more traditional econ and finance undergrad and wanting to gain more confidence and experience in coding Programming experience:Python, Excel/VBA, Stata, used MATLAB a couple of times Current work: Incoming Financial Math student Intended pace of program: Aiming to complete before school starts in September, but will adapt and see how my learning pace goes
I'm Ryan, excited to learn C++ to help bolster my programming skills.
Objective: Learn C++ with a focus on its applications to finance Programming Experience: Python and SQL Server Current Work: Analyst for a family office in the multifamily real estate space Intended Pace: Complete within the given 16-week time frame
Hey everyone, I am Min-Hsueh Chiang and you can just call me Johnny. I am very excited and happy to join the course. Hope I could learn a lot throughout the course.
Objective: Learn C++ gradually in a more systematic way which could not only help enhance my coding skills, but also the theory and algorithms in computer science. Programming experience:Python, R, Excel/VBA. Current work: Fresh Graduate Intended pace of program: Aiming to learn C++ and have a more solid understanding of how it plays as a role in the financial engineering industry.
Objective: Seeking more structured thinking when programming. I have coded in Python and R before as a tool, but I miss on some of the good practices that professional coders utilize. Programming experience:Python and R. Current work: options Intended pace of program: Ideally, to finish it in 10 weeks. But I have had no prior C++ background. How I discover the course:
Objective: Learn C++, and get ready for the MFE program. Learn how it's applied to financial engineering. Programming Experience: R, Python, and elementary C++ Current Work: Final Year Student Majoring in Mechanical Engineering Intended Pace: ASAP How I discover the course:
Current work: Wealth Management at a Bulge Bracket
Intended pace of program: Intend to complete the course ASAP and proceed to the advanced course. Also supplementing my learning with the Sams Teach Yourself C++ book (let me know if this is not recommended)
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