C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

Hi, my name is Cody Silvers and I am 1.5 years removed from undergrad and active duty in the USAF. Studied Pure Mathematics. I enrolled in the program to acquire a technical background in C++ programming.

Objective: Learn C++ well to add to my technical skillset

Programming Experience: Not much experience outside of typesetting in LATEX

Current Work: Not related to finance

Intended pace: Finish by end of the year.
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Hi, my name is Lillian, a senior student majoring in finance. It's a great pleasure to meet you guys in this way!

Objective: Learn C++ to enhance programming capability, get more prepared for relevant graduate programs and future work.

Programming Experience: MATLAB, Python, LaTeX and a little R.

Current Work: Preparing to apply for MF and MFE programs.

Intended pace: Within two months.
Hello All, happy to be here.

Objective: Learn C++ for potential job opportunities in prestigious fund, expand my skill set as a developer.

Programming experience: .NET C#, VBA, Python, T-SQL

Current work: quant dev in a brokerage firm on the interest rate side

The intended pace of program: plan to finish c++ for FE and the c11/c14 multidisciplinary in 6 months.
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Hello Everyone,

I am very excited to be a part of this community. Stay Safe!

Objective: To prepare for MFE programs
Programming Experience: Intermediate Python, SQL
Current Work: Master of science in Information [University of Michigan]
Intended pace of program: Finish by the end of this semester

Please feel free to connect on LinkedIn.

Best regards,

Gabriel Guerra
Hello Everyone, my name is Yash. Very happy and excited to be a part of this course and community.
Objective: To prepare for MFE programs, have a more clear understanding of programming, and following an organised approach towards the same
Programming Experience: Basics of C, C++ & Python
Current Work: Intern: Equity Advisory and Portfolio Management
Intended pace of program: As soon as I can, but making sure I don't rush through it.

Open to any MFE, Investments and Programming related discussions here as well as on LinkedIn. Feel free to connect with me anytime.

Best Regards,
Yash Kantharia
Hello everyone, I am Son Tung from Vietnam. Very excited to join the course.

Objective: Learn C++ for MFE program and internship interviews

Programming Experience: Python, VBA (just basic tasks)
Current Work: MFE Student
Intended Pace: As fast as I can !

It's great to talk with you guys, so please feel free to connect with me via LinkedIn anytime !

Best Regards,

Tung Dang
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Hi all, Very happy to have joined the course!

Objective: Learn C++ for a better technical background and expand skills as a developer in Financial sphere
Programming Experience: Python, R, SQL, Some JAVA
Current Work: Big Data developer at a Fintech
Intended Pace: Before End of Year completion

Looking forward to connect to you guys on the forums!

Best, Vincent Weimer
Hello everyone, my name is Aldo. I am very happy to join this course as I wanted to enroll since some years ago.

Objective: Learn numerical methods for finance in a more interactive way and land interviews
Programming Experience: Python, C#, R, VBA, SQL, Dart, Java, NodeJS
Current Work: Running a dating app. Resigned from risk analytics vendor 4 months ago
Intended Pace: 2-3 months

Hello, my name is Chris. I'm looking forward to taking the course as a way of finding out if I'd like to do work like this in the future.
Objective: Learn about C++ and explore whether an MFE or MS in Finance makes sense for me.
Programming Experience: Python, R
Current Work: Research Assistant at Federal Reserve Board
Intended Pace: 16 weeks
Hi! Recent physics graduate from Maine looking to make my way into finance. Got experience as the Director of Performance of our schools investment club which invested on behalf of my university endowment. Always happy to talk about and learn about quanty things

Objective: review C++ topics for technical interviews and applying to MFE
Programing Experience: Python through Jupyter notebooks-neural networks and supervised classification and regression for optimization tasks, MATLAB for numerical solutions to heat and mass simulations, a bit of C++ a couple of years ago.
Current work: Graduate Student
Intended Pace: 10 weeks