C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

Hi Everyone,
I am a graduate student of Operations research at Columbia.
How much hours every week on average I need to work for this course to get certificate in distinction.
I have good experience of building quantitative models in python ( Quantopian / Jupyter platform ) and optimization models using Gurobi.
Hard one to answer. There are so many factors, not the least of which is if you really like C++ and are good at it.
Knowing Python can be a disadvantage, really. It is much sloppier syntax than C++. You can get into bad habits.

Two types of people: those who like C++ and them that don't.
Hey guys I graduated from USC with a degree in civil engineering in 2019
Objective: Learn C++ to be comfortable in MFE programs, especially the Baruch MFE program.

Programming experience: Matlab

Current work: Structural Engineer but planning to shift careers to quantitative finance by enrolling in a MFE program.

Intended pace: I started during the new year and i plan to finish by early/mid April so i could ace the Baruch MFE technical interview.
Hello everyone,

My majors are finance and mathematics, and I am in my last semester of undergraduate study. My exposure to programming is rather limited, so I hope to boost my programming experience upon the completion of this course.

Objective: To learn C++ to get preparation for MFE program.

Programming experience: Python, Matlab

Current work: Last semester of senior year

Intended pace of program: Hopefully I could get through the class in roughly 8 weeks. Meanwhile, I don't want to rush myself and end up not having a solid understanding of the course content.
Hello everyone,

I attended the University of Florida and received my degree in mechanical engineering this December with a minor and mathematics. I look forward to learning C++ as I have not coded in this language before and seeing its application to Computational Finance.

Objective: To learn C++ to better prepare myself for whichever MFE program I attend.

Programming experience: Matlab, Python, Java

Current Work: Mechanical Engineer but seeking a career shift. I am looking to be challenged further quantitatively.

Intended pace of program: I hope to finish the class within 8 weeks time. By this time I hope to know which school I will be attending in the Fall of 2020.
Hi everyone :),

I plan on officially enrolling in this course after finishing the first 2 levels. I just have one quick question: I was able to access the Level 1 and Level 2 videos, but the links for Level 1 and 2 Homework (https://quantnet.com/doc/Level1.zip) do not work. I'm hoping to be able to access the homework before my official enrollment

Objective: to learn C++ from the ground up. I hope to be able to build my own projects after I finish the course to boost my MFE application for Fall 2021 enrollment. I graduated in Spring 2018 with a degree in Mathematics and Economics but did not take any Computer Science classes in college, which I still regret to this day!

Programming experience: I took 8 intro-level Python for Data Science courses on Datacamp

Current Work: I'm working in management consulting but given my Math background, I want to break into a more quantitative industry

Intended pace of program: 12 weeks
Hi everyone :),

I plan on officially enrolling in this course after finishing the first 2 levels. I just have one quick question: I was able to access the Level 1 and Level 2 videos, but the links for Level 1 and 2 Homework (https://quantnet.com/doc/Level1.zip) do not work. I'm hoping to be able to access the homework before my official enrollment
Fixed that wrong links. It should work now.
Hello everyone,

I am graduate student in Financial Engineering. I will be graduating in a semester.

Objective: Learn C++, boost my quant skills and get ready for interviews
Programming Experience: Python and R
Current Work: Student and researcher at school lab
Intended pace: Hopefully around 10 weeks
Hi All,

Objective: I'd like to get stronger at c++
Programming Experience: Python, Matlab, and SAS, some c++
Current Work: Middle level in an asset management firm
Intended pace: 4-5 weeks, I have a lot of downtime since we just finished a major project.

1) If I feel that I understand the material well for level 1, can we jump to level 2? After looking over the material I feel like I'm close to the week 7 mark of the course..What sort of documentation would we need to show to jump to level 2?

Thanks in advance.
Hi All,

Objective: I'd like to get stronger at c++
Programming Experience: Python, Matlab, and SAS, some c++
Current Work: Middle level in an asset management firm
Intended pace: 4-5 weeks, I have a lot of downtime since we just finished a major project.

1) If I feel that I understand the material well for level 1, can we jump to level 2? After looking over the material I feel like I'm close to the week 7 mark of the course..What sort of documentation would we need to show to jump to level 2?

Thanks in advance.
Maybe ask this question on the student forum as it might be snowed in here.


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Hi everyone! My name is Haobo Zhang.

Objective: I want to apply for MFE programs in the future and I genuinely just want to get into some hardcore programming.

Programming experience: Python, R

Current work: Junior in Villanova School of Business. Applied Quantitative Finance concentration & Math minor.

Intended pace: I want to challenge myself. So as fast (and solid) as I can.
Hi Guys, so excited to finally start!

Objective: Learn C++ , master it, take the next course

Programming experience: This is embarrassing, but ok, I have zero experience

Current work: student

Intended pace of program: hopefully within, 10-12 week