C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread


Excited to finally learning C++ rigorously.

Objective: Learn C++ to get a job as quant. Had an online assessment with Morgan Stanley and was completed blown away by the C++ part. Did terribly and had no idea what I was doing. Had another one with a hedge fund, asked about some basic C++ questions, felt sorry for wasting their time.

Programming experience: A lot of procedural programming experience with Python and Matlab. Some experience with C and C++ but nothing OOP.

Current work: 5th year PhD student at Yale, major in engineering (computational physics and engineering).

Intended pace of program: try to finish on time. Managing quant knowledge (probability, statistics, stochastic process, algorithm and DS, some finance basics, and of course, C++) learning is scary if you are doing research at the same time.
Intended pace of program: try to finish on time. Managing quant knowledge (probability, statistics, stochastic process, algorithm and DS, some finance basics, and of course, C++) learning is scary if you are doing research at the same time.

But this is not any old C++ course but the QN/Baruch C++ course and is exciting and not scary at all, especially with all the great support from the QN team 😁
Hi everyone!
I'm completely a tyro in this domain, so it's very glad to meet you all!

Objective: Learn C++ to be prepared for MFE program application
Programming experience: No experience before for the reason that my major is just Finance
Current work: Undergraduate
Intended pace of program: Start at 02/12/20, hoping that I can finish it within 2 months

Once decided, do my best!
I'm exciting to start this new course

Objective: learning C++ for financial engineering, being able to create financial Model
Programming Experience: a little bit python and R
Current Work: Business Analyst
Intended pace: maybe 14~16weeks
Hello to everyone!

Objective: Learn C++ in order to enhance my programming skills and get prepared for MFE program application
Programming experience: Python (ex. Junior Analyst at Moscow Exchange)
Current work: Undergraduate (Major in Corporate Finance); working in University laboratory, doing data analysis and machine learning
Intended pace of program: Start at 02/18/20, hoping that I can finish it within next 3 months

And good luck to everyone!
Hi everyone, so excited to meet you all!

Objective: boost my C++ programming skills to get better prepared for MFE program application

Programming Experience: a little bit python and C. Also taking a course in Matlab.

Current work: Junior year undergraduate

Intended pace of program: 12 weeks


Take my time, step by step.
Hello everyone!

Objective: Learn C++ for admission to MFE program.

Programming experience: Python( by self-study and ml projects) , C/C++ (intro and data structure) , R ( stats hw)

Current work: senior student

Intended pace of program: hope I can get it done before June
Hello everyone!

Objective: Learn C++ for admission to MFE program.

Programming experience: R, STATA, SQL

Current work: senior student

Intended pace of program: hope I can get it done as soon as possible
Hey everyone!

Objective: Learn C++ to break into quant world

Programming experience: R, STATA

Current work: Freshgrad

Intended pace of program: As soon as possible hopefully